Warns against poisonous mussels from the Oslofjord – Latest news – news

6 August 2022 at 03:45 Warning against poisonous mussels from the Oslofjord It is currently not safe to eat mussels from the Oslofjord, warns the Norwegian Food Safety Authority. The warning applies until 12 August, reports Tønsbergs Blad. Measuring stations in Greater Oslo, Hvaler, Fredrikstad, Tønsberg, Larvik and Kragerø show high levels of algal toxins. The same applies to Risør, Arendal, Kristiansand, Egersund, Kvitsøy and Fjaler in the south and west. – The mussels filter the algae, and then there is poison in the shells. Once they have been poisoned, they need a few weeks to become clean again. If there are more algae of the same type all the time, it takes longer, says Anne Brit Haugen Østerås in the Norwegian Food Safety Authority. (NTB)
