Warns against joint jumping – news Sørlandet – Local news, TV and radio

– We see a lot of tooth damage. Children who meet other children, or children who collide with an adult, says Sigmund Clementz, communications manager at If. Estimates based on figures from the company show that more than 100 children are injured so badly on a trampoline every year that it becomes an insurance case. This means at least one insurance claim every other day, if we assume that the outdoor season is around 200 days. SOCIAL: Department store chains and trampoline sellers told of sales boom during pandemic. And everyone with a trampoline in the garden knows how much fun it is to be more. Photo: Eirik Damsgaard / news Only the school in front The total number of injuries is probably much higher. – Of course, the dark numbers are large. These 100-120 injuries each year in Trampoline-Norway are about cases where an insurance takes effect, says Clementz. Gjensidige and Frende Forsikring also confirm that jumping and bouncing have been high on the list in recent years. According to a survey done for Frende – by Norstat – it is only at school that there are more injuries to children. The trampoline is a good number two, in front of both bicycle, scooter and organized sports. – In addition, there is a significant proportion of small trampoline bangs we do not hear about, but which still happen, says consulting doctor at Frende Forsikring, Helge Skjerven. Arne Voll in Gjensidige Forsikring confirms that dental injuries recur, along with facial injuries, fractures and sprains. – Injuries to about 100 children are reported to us annually. The injuries occur primarily when they jump with others. Some people try a double somersault and get injured for the rest of their lives, says Voll. HIGH SEASON: Summer is the time of year when most children injure themselves, orthopedist Haakon Brenna Haakonsen experiences. Photo: LEIF DALEN / news More in the summer Orthopedist Haakon Brenna Haakonsen at Sørlandet hospital sees more injuries to children in the summer. – We see more fractures and muscle injuries. Often things have happened on trampolines, where several have often held on at the same time and hid next to each other, says Haakonsen. He still believes the number of injuries is limited compared to how many homes have a trampoline nowadays. After the first generation of trampolines – without safety nets – disappeared, he also believes that the damage may have decreased. No one falls out of the trampoline anymore. JUMPING ADVICE: Sigmund Clementz in If thinks the tooth damage would have gone down if fewer people jumped at the same time. Photo: If – Make jumping rules It hoies. It creaks in steel pipes and cracks in springs. Two becomes three, then someone else comes. Soon five or six pieces jump and bounce at the same time – or preferably the whole children’s party. It warns that many jump at the same time. – We encourage you to make some rules for the group of friends or the kids in the street. And it should be about limiting the number who jump at the same time. We see that many dental injuries occur when the children bump into each other, says Clementz in If. Another recurrence is when dad is going to take some jumps with junior. The difference in weight gives the youngest one a violent bounce – and when the journey towards the clouds stops in Dad’s chin, it ends up in the dentist’s chair for at least one of them. SAFER: First generation trampolines without nets are mostly gone. With safety nets, the spins are much safer. Photo: Sara Lovise Roaldseth / news Can become responsible Another thing parents should know is that gross negligence can end in liability when other children injure themselves in your trampoline. In such cases, you will in the first instance be covered by the contents insurance. However, if you have been too careless with the supervision or placement of the trampoline, you may risk getting part of the bill anyway.
