Warns against fake fines – news Sørlandet – Local news, TV and radio

– This is fraud, and does not come from the police, says operations manager Øyvind Hægeland at the operations center in Kristiansand. The fake fine shows the police logo as well as a fictitious signature. The stickers that were placed on cars in the center of Kristiansand also contained a QR code, which can be scanned to pay the fake fine. – Throw them away – In the morning hours on Wednesday we have received inquiries from someone who has found what are obviously fake parking fines on their cars, so we ask people not to pay these but to throw them straight in the bin, says Hægeland. The police have been out with patrols and checked in the relevant areas. – We haven’t found any more, so we don’t think it has any great scope, says Hægeland. The police do not have an overview of whether anyone has actually paid in any amount via the QR code. – No, we don’t have that, but the call to people who find such fake fines is to throw them straight in the bin
