Warholm misses real congratulations – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcasting schedule

Karsten Warholm has almost made a clean sweep of the 400 meter hurdles since his breakthrough in 2017. But after his third World Cup title and sixth overall championship title, he stuns his rivals. – It’s like nobody congratulates me on gold anymore. It’s possible they’re sick of me winning. I do not know. Maybe they think I’m very annoying, says Warholm to news the day after the gold race. The TV images show that Warholm received several handshakes after the final and that he himself patted a clearly disappointed Rai Benjamin on the back. But Warholm doesn’t feel he gets proper congratulations anymore. – Did you notice it after the finish line? – Yes, I feel it has become a bit of a habit now. Not many people take my hand properly and look me in the eye anymore. I don’t quite know what I have done to make it so. But that is how it has turned out, says Warholm. Warholm won his third WC gold on Wednesday. He previously won gold in 2017 and 2019. In addition, he has Olympic gold from 2021 and two European Championship golds. Photo: SARAH MEYSSONNIER / Reuters – What do you think about it? – Last year when I lost the WC gold, I went up to Dos Santos, shook his hand and said “congratulations, this was a good run”. That’s how sports are to me. I have no bad blood there. For me, it’s fair competition and the best man wins, says Warholm. Greets everyone He says that even before the start he has a habit of greeting everyone and wishing them luck. He says it is important for him to show his competitors respect. On Wednesday, the race was even for a long time between himself and his American rival Rai Benjamin. But on the run, Warholm pulled away, while Benjamin had to settle for bronze. Benjamin gave Warholm after Warholm’s win on Wednesday night. Photo: SARAH MEYSSONNIER / Reuters The TV images show that Warholm himself was active in walking around to the competitors after the race. Benjamin walked past news in the press zone on Wednesday evening, but chatted with several other media. – I have to digest this. Because I expected so much from myself in this championship. I could actually run 46 with my eyes closed. I don’t know what happened today, said Benjamin in a meeting with the American press. Last year’s world champion Alison dos Santos from Brazil after the finish line. Photo: Ashley Landis / AP Sølvviner Kyron McMaster spoke of Warholm with admiration in a meeting with news. – He does things you expect. The way I have to run and train is to expect the unexpected from Warholm. So you prepare for the unexpected, says McMaster. – No feud In an interview with Citius Mag, Benjamin spoke out earlier this summer about his relationship with Warholm and that he could no longer deal with remarks in social media about his superior Warholm in social media. Among other things, he deleted X/Twitter on his phone. – People only tag me in unnecessary things. I have no feud with Karsten. People just make things up out of thin air. He’s a great person, Benjamin said. Among other things, he took silver when Warholm set a world record during the Olympics in Tokyo two years ago. – He runs very well and has taken the exercise to astronomical levels, says Benjamin. The king congratulated One who really congratulated Warholm was King Harald, who sent the gold winner the following telegram after the victory. “Congratulations on a convincing run in Budapest tonight. I send my heartiest congratulations on the gold medal and as world champion for the third time in the 400 meter hurdles. Harald Rex”. – Good man! I thank you for that, was Warholm’s first reaction. He has met King Harald several times and appreciated the congratulations. – I will be very proud when I get these. Because personally, I take a lot of pride in representing my country. I feel that I am making an effort and trying to be a good ambassador for Norway. Then it’s nice to get recognition from someone I respect as much as the king, says Warholm.
