Ward off Hamas attack on the Israeli embassy in Sweden – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

That’s what the Prime Minister’s office says in a press release. Mossad and the security service Shin Bet state, according to Haaret’s newspaper, that Hamas has planned a terrorist attack against Jewish and Israeli targets in both Israel and in other countries. According to the service, one of them will be the Israeli embassy in Sweden. The Israeli intelligence services believe that Hamas’s activity in Europe included the acquisition of drones and an involvement with gang criminals. The information was made public by the Prime Minister’s office in Israel on Saturday. – Hamas draws inspiration from the terrorist activities of the Iranian regime, and as such, they try to hit Israeli, Jewish and Western targets at any cost, says Netanyahu’s office. They write that other attacks must have been planned, but the embassy in Sweden is the only one they mention by name. In this building is the Israeli embassy in Stockholm. Photo: Wikipedia – Sympathizers with Hamas A spokesperson for the Security Police (Säpo) tells Expressen that he cannot comment on whether they have been in contact with the security services in Israel. He also cannot comment on whether Säpo has received information about threats against the Israeli embassy. In general, he says that Säpo is aware that there are people in Sweden who sympathize with Hamas. – We know that there are individuals in Sweden who sympathize with Hamas and who, to a certain extent and in various ways, work for or in accordance with the organization’s interests. It can be about financing, spreading propaganda, that type of business, he says. Several people arrested in Denmark In mid-December, several people were arrested and charged with suspected terrorist plots in Denmark. The public prosecutor in Denmark believes they have a connection to Hamas. In a post on X/Twitter, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu wrote that “thanks to joint organizational forces in Israel and abroad, a comprehensive and detailed picture of Hamas’s terrorist activities has been revealed, including details of the area of ​​operations and targets of attacks”.
