War photographer Harald Henden is dead – Latest news – news

3 July 2024 at 12:19 War photographer Harald Henden is dead This is confirmed by VG’s responsible editor, Gard Steiro. – Harald died quietly and peacefully at Diakonhjemmet hospital today at 11 a.m. with his good friend Morten Rostrup from Doctors Without Borders by his side. Rostrup has also confirmed the death on Henden’s own Facebook page. Here he writes that he is deeply grateful for the time they had together. – Norway has lost one of its best photojournalists. The award-winning photographer was 63 years old. He was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer that had spread to the liver last autumn, shortly after his last reporting trip to Israel. Rostrup writes that Henden was happy for all the support and recognition he has received, especially recently. – I know that what he stood for and what he has done will live on.
