Wants to secure a kindergarten place if there is still parental leave – Latest news – news

15 April 2023 at 11:53 Venstre: Wants to guarantee a nursery place if there is still parental leave At the Venstre’s national conference, party leader Guri Melbye presented an election promise to guarantee a nursery place for everyone when the parental leave is over. – This is such rubbish, that I just have to get it fixed, said Melby about today’s arrangement. As it is today, children are not entitled to a kindergarten place until August of the year they turn 1. Melbye called this an equality trap. – I want, here and now, to invite the Storting to come together to give everyone the right to a nursery place after parental leave. At Høgre’s national meeting before Easter, they also adopted this, which gave the proposal a majority in the Storting.
