Wants the government to help save the summer holidays for children living in poverty – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

With the summer holidays just around the corner, many are busy making plans and coming up with activities. But this costs. A family of five has to fork out several thousand for a day at the family park this summer. At the same time, 115,000 children are growing up in poverty in Norway, and the food queues are growing. – For many, it goes without saying that it will not be possible to pay such sums. So says Mímir Kristjánsson, parliamentary representative for Rødt. – Now the politicians have to step in to save the summer holidays. Mímir Kristjánsson, parliamentary representative for Rødt. Photo: Rolv Christian Topdahl / news A challenge for many parents Figures from Statistics Norway show that more than one in ten children in Norway belong to families with “persistently low income”. Sarpsborg and Fredrikstad are at the top of the country’s 15 largest municipalities with the most children in homes with persistently low incomes. Skien is in third place. In addition, every third Norwegian answers that they have felt inner turmoil or nervousness several times recently because of their current financial situation. This is shown by a recent survey Respons Analysis has carried out for the Salvation Army. Having money for a proper holiday is a challenge for many parents, says Kristjánsson. – When you return to school or kindergarten after the summer holidays and you have nothing to tell, and many others have been to Dyreparken, then you struggle. Kristjánsson says a political move is needed to save the summer holidays for those who can’t afford it. He believes there are several things that can be done about. He proposes a holiday contribution. In other words, a kind of arrangement with holiday money for families who receive social assistance. – It is most weekdays Tuva Moflag (Ap), second deputy chair of the work and social affairs committee at the Storting, is keen to strengthen the offer throughout the year, not just during holidays and public holidays. – It is important to remember that there are many more weekdays, and that we must ensure access to a good leisure offer throughout the year, she says. Moflag believes that volunteering must stand up to ensure children have a good holiday. – It is incredibly important that organizations and local actors organize a number of free or affordable activity offers during holidays and free time, says Moflag, WELFARE: – It is important that we do not run the welfare state with contributions in bits and pieces, but that we are able to see the whole and a longer perspective, says Tuva Moflag (Ap), second deputy chair of the labor and social affairs committee at the Storting Photo: William Jobling / news Disagree Storting representative for the Progress Party, Bård Hoksrud, does not agree with this. He would rather reduce taxes so that people can manage with the income they have. Bård Hoksrud, parliamentary representative for the Progress Party. Photo: JOHN-ANDRE SAMUELSEN / news – We think it is better to do something to reduce the expenses for the families, so that you get more and can spend the money on what the individual family thinks is important. More for volunteers Several voluntary organizations arrange holiday offers for children. Mímir Kristjánsson says that the capacity is there, but the money is not enough. – They tell us that they need more money. They could have helped more children to have good holidays and create more activities for them if they had had more money. In the larger context, he believes that it is a matter of a few million to please children who already have enough to struggle with in everyday life. He also believes that action must be taken in what the public and municipalities own. Museums, swimming pools and the like. – We have a library in Norway which is the shining, positive example. It’s always free there. More free activities For several years, Skien municipality has had a wide range of free activities for young people during the summer weeks, says Roger Hegland, chairman of the Committee for Upbringing. The aim is that children and young people should not feel left out, but have some positive experiences throughout the summer. – Among other things, we have Team Fritid and collaboration with several organizations in Skien that offer activities adapted to different age groups and varied offers. This is precisely to avoid that someone feels that they have no activities to take part in. LEADER: Roger Hegland, committee leader in the Committee for Education in Skien municipality. Photo: Sigrid Sørumgård Botheim / news Hegland emphasizes that there is no simple solution. But believes that this is what the municipality can do, to build up good alternatives in the local environment. – It is extremely important. We live in a very costly time and society.
