Wants new wind power development just south of scrapped area in Engerdal municipality – news Innlandet – Local news, TV and radio

Seven years ago, wind power development was investigated on the mountain Kvitola in Engerdal municipality in Innlandet. After a long process and great local opposition, the project was eventually shelved by the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy. This was done after an overall assessment in which, among other things, considerations for outdoor life, tourism and natural diversity were given great weight. Now Norsk Vind will investigate a new wind power plant in Engerdal municipality, only a few kilometers further south. NATURE AREA: Opponents of wind power point out that Engerdal’s value lies mainly in being an area with a lot of untouched nature. Photo: Reidar Gregersen – Little thought through Tom Nordsveen was the leader of the action group “Let the mountain live” seven years ago. He believes that the new wind power company in the picture has not done its homework. – No, it shows that it is not well thought out in my opinion, he says. RESISTANCE: Tom Nordsveen led the resistance group “Let the mountain live” when wind power plans first came up in Engerdal. He believes the opposition may be even greater this time. Photo: Reidar Gregersen Nordsveen believes that wind power plants do not belong in an area where there are seven protected areas and a national park. – They have put forward a proposal and put down a pencil on the map then, and looked at the wind conditions. It is what they have looked at and not the consequences, he says. Among other things, he points out that the new area is located in an area with one of Norway’s largest trapping facilities for wild reindeer. Need power NHO in Innlandet applauds the initiative from Norsk Vind, and warns that we are in danger of ending up in a situation with a power deficit and permanently high prices within a few years. The regional manager of NHO Innlandet, Jon Kristiansen, therefore believes that all municipalities must contribute to preventing that from happening. REQUEST EVERYONE TO TAKE POWER: For NHO in Inlandet, it is important to get all the municipalities involved in order to provide more electricity for people and businesses. Photo: Reidar Gregersen – All mayors must have the demanding discussion in their municipality with their residents and landowners. They must look at what their municipality can contribute. At the same time, he emphasizes that it is important to ensure the most gentle development possible while simultaneously achieving the ambitions for increased power in the future. Awaiting opposition Engerdal municipality must decide whether the wind power development should be investigated over the summer. Mayor of Engerdal Line Storsnes (Centre Party) has not yet made up his mind on the matter. WILL NOT TAKE A POSITION: Mayor of Engerdal, Line Storsnes (Center Party) will together with the municipal council consider whether the plans for wind power should be investigated. It will only happen in the autumn. Photo: Reidar Gregersen She points out that the advantage of the facility is that the municipality can make a lot of money. Up to NOK 30 million a year, according to the developer. What speaks against it is, among other things, that it seizes large natural areas and that it can affect wildlife. – I imagine massive resistance. I know this is an issue that engages many. It is a controversial issue and I think that everyone has the right to have their opinion, she says. Already last weekend, the opponents gathered. Together with the organization Motvind, they organized protests and meetings about the development. Action: Already last weekend, activists gathered to protest against the new wind power plans. Action: Already last weekend, activists gathered to protest against the new wind power plans. Action: Already last weekend, activists gathered to protest against the new wind power plans. Think wind power in Engerdal is possible Wind power company Norsk Vind believes there are big differences between their new proposal and the project that was shelved seven years ago. Norsk Vind’s new plan in Engerdal 15 square kilometers in the area of ​​Buhøgda/Gråkletten in Engerdal municipality Between 10 and 30 turbines Income up to 30 million annually to the municipality. (Between 4 and 5 øre kWh in annual income) – We have deliberately chosen this area because it will have fewer visual consequences for, among other things, Femunden, says Espen Borgir Christophersen, who is a project developer at Norsk Vind. WILL BUILD: Espen Borgir Christophersen in Norsk Vind believes that the new wind power project in Engerdal will be able to function better than the previous one. Photo: Philip Hofgaard He also believes it should be possible to locate the wind power plant in the area. – We have shown from other projects that it is possible to achieve this and we want to investigate whether it is possible to achieve it here as well, which we believe it is. The former action leader, Tom Nordsveen, is upset that the municipality is being pressured into wind power once again. – Once you have received a no, then it is a no.
