Want Wille as the new national team coach in handball – NRK Sport – Sports news, results and broadcast schedule

NRK can experience that the handball association has decided on Jonas Wille as the new national team coach in handball, after Christian Berge decided to resign from his job in February. Thus, the choice lands on a man that the entire player group has knowledge of, and which NRK experiences has been strongly desired by several parties. – It is not a surprising choice, but I am a little surprised myself, because I had wished for something newer and fresher than what everyone else has pointed out. That the association had the courage to think a little new, says NRK’s ​​expert Håvard Tvedten to NRK and continues: – It is actually a very manageable choice, since the previous national team coach pointed very much in that direction. He is a coach who is little portrayed in the Norwegian context, but it will be exciting to see what he achieves. – Big loss Wille was appointed as assistant coach on the national team in October 2021, but currently coaches the elite team Kristianstad in Sweden. The association is negotiating with the club for a release from the contract. CLOSE: Jonas Wille and Christian Berge, here from the European Championship match against Sweden. Photo: Annika Byrde / NTB He has his own clause and will be bought out for 750,000 kroner, according to NRK’s ​​source. Sports manager in Kristianstad will so far not confirm the negotiations, but is clear in the speech about what he thinks if it happens that they lose Wille. – If he were to become the Norwegian national team coach, it would be a big loss for us. We have only had him for one year, but the work he has done here and the compassion he has shown, makes it difficult to replace him, says Kristianstad’s sports manager Jesper Larsson to NRK. LONG SAILING TIME: Jonas Wille. Photo: Annika Byrde / NTB – Skilled At the end of February, the message came that Christian Berge would resign as national team manager, after having had the role from 2014 to 2022. He had long expressed a desire to coach a club team, and when Kolstad came on the track, it was not a difficult choice to make. Berge was clear that Wille is the man who should take the team further. – I have worked very well with Jonas Wille. He is skilled and has a leadership style that I like very much. The knowledge is so absolutely present, Berge told TV 2 in March. DUO: Christian Berge and Jonas Wille. Photo: Annika Byrde / NTB Wille has extensive experience as a trainer. He previously coached Halden top handball, Midtjylland in Denmark, Skövde in Sweden, Mors / Thy in Denmark and now IFK Kristianstad in the Swedish handball league. In 2019, he was named coach of the year in Sweden. National team captain Christian O’Sullivan said this about who he should take over for Berge: – What has worked for us are guys like Christian Berge, Børge Lund, Jonas Wille and Glenn Solberg. We hope that it will be a Scandinavian who takes over and who has a somewhat similar philosophy as them. Long process In March, the handball association announced the position of national team manager, with the aim of completing the recruitment process before the end of June. Several candidates such as Kristian Kjelling, Børge Lund, Michael Apelgren and Nicolej Krickau were mentioned as possible candidates for the position. Kjelling and Wille, on the other hand, are the only ones who are open about applying for the position.
