Want to imprison Russians caught flying a drone in Norway – news Troms and Finnmark

– He was stopped at Storskog on 11 October on his way out of Norway. It was a regular check by the Customs and the police where they discovered drones in his luggage, says police attorney Anja Mikkelsen Indbjør. The man was then charged and arrested. Only this afternoon was the police’s request for custody processed in the Indre- and Østre-Finnmark district court in Vadsø. The court will make its decision on Thursday evening or Friday. – It may be relevant to expand the charges, says police attorney Anja Mikkelsen Indbjør. Photo: Knut-Sverre Horn / news PST can be connected For the time being, he is charged with breaching the Sanctions Act and the Sanctions Regulations, which came into force after Russia went to war against Ukraine. The paragraph in question states that Russian companies or citizens are not allowed to fly in Norway. At the same time, the charge against the man may be expanded, and the Norwegian Public Prosecutor’s Office will take over the investigation. – He is charged with violating the Sanctions Act, which is flying a drone on Norwegian territory, says the man’s defender, Jens Bernhard Herstad. news was present at the prison meeting in Vadsø on Thursday afternoon, where there was a ban on minutes. Photo: Jan-morten Bjørnbakk / NTB scanpix Drones in the luggage The police have seized two drones and several electronic storage devices. Police attorney Indbjør says they will go through the seizure to see the scope and content of any flights made on Norwegian territory. – What is it about this case that makes you ask for detention? – It is because of the risk of evasion because he is a third-country national. It may be appropriate to extend the charge. We have to look at that when we have gone through the seizure, she says. The police tell news that they knew nothing about the man’s activities before he was stopped. There is also no other police district in Norway that is involved. – We will try to carry out the investigation quite quickly and have only asked for two weeks’ detention for the accused, says Indbjør. She says they will consider expanding the charges once they have reviewed the seizure. Can remain in custody Regardless of whether the Russian man is requested to be released or not, the police will still not release him from custody, according to the defender. – If he is released, the prosecution has requested that he be kept in custody until the Court of Appeal has heard the appeal. Pretrial detention is a priority matter, says Jens Bernhard Herstad. Jens Bernhard Herstad defends the Russian man. Photo: Ksenia Novikova / news Both before and after the explosions at Nord Stream 1 and 2 in the Baltic Sea, several suspicious drones have been observed at Norwegian petroleum facilities. Several facilities in Norway are on high alert following the drone activity and explosions in the Baltic Sea. The “father” of the Safety Act: – It is very unfortunate that we have lost so much time
