Want more minority boys to ask for help – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

– It is very sad. They don’t seek help when they actually need it, says Floranda Malsori, whom news meets in the Stovner center in Oslo. As a mother, she wants the assisted living apartment to become more accessible to minority boys like her son. – Why don’t you think they seek help when they are having a hard time at home? – It is probably because they have been brought up to be “men”. That they should keep it to themselves and not show it to others. Many people may think that it is like that for everyone, she says questioningly. Floranda believes that “macho culture” can stand in the way of boys asking for help. Photo: Laik Hanbaly / news She goes on to say that she thinks there are many people who have a hard time at home, who do not talk about the situation at home. Experts agree with Floranda, and indicate that boys may have a higher threshold for seeking help. Last year, the Competence Team handled 891 cases related to young people in vulnerable situations. Of these, only one in five cases were about boys and young men. The main reason why they contacted the support system was that they experienced violence and negative social control at home. The competence team against forced marriage, female genital mutilation and negative social control is a collaboration between, among others, the Directorate for Children, Youth and Families (Bufdir), the Directorate of Police, and the Directorate for Integration and Diversity (Imdi). The aim of the collaboration is to guide services and voluntary organizations that meet procrastinators in their work, but who may lack the skills to guide procrastinating young people. The digital psychologist Usman Chaudry is happy that there is more focus on men’s mental health today than before. Photo: Laik Hanbaly / news Psychologist Usman Chaudry is not surprised that boys and young men can find it difficult to ask for help when they first have a hard time. – Unfortunately, it is the case that many boys think that showing vulnerability means that you are weak, says Chaudry. He usually works as a psychologist at Rask mental help in Stovner. Alongside his job, he runs an Instagram account with a focus on mental health. Here he is especially trying to reach out to minority boys. What is negative social control? It is common to have boundaries and rules at home, but some parents can be so strict that they actually break Norwegian law. Then we talk about negative social control. Examples of negative social control from parents: That they decide over your free time. That they decide over your body. That you don’t get to choose your friends or girlfriend yourself. PC without reason That they decide which clothes you can and cannot wear (source: ung.no) – If the patient experiences negative social control at home, this does not come up in the first interview, says the psychologist. Some of them do not even know that what they are experiencing is negative social control. – What can the fact that they do not seek help lead to? – In the worst case, it can lead to them becoming social losers. It is difficult to do well at school and work when you are having a hard time at home. The psychologist tries to reach young people where they are. Photo: Laik Hanbaly / news – For many, it is very difficult to ask for help when they are having a hard time. This particularly applies to boys with a multicultural background, says Chaudry. Fears large numbers of blackouts. According to the report, there may be large numbers of blackouts. This is precisely because boys may have a higher threshold for seeking help. Janne Waagbø wants the support system to become better at seeing boys who experience negative social control. Photo: Camilla Alexandra Lie / news – Gutar often has to ask for help because of the male ideal. There are also many who do not know where to go, says the coordinator of the Competence Team, Janne Waagbø, who acts as Bufdir’s representative in the Competence Team. In this year’s report, they wish to shine a spotlight on the fact that boys and young men can also be victims of negative social control. – Boys can also be victims – The support system must be more present for the boys. This means that one must become better at seeing behavioral problems as a result of them having a difficult time at home. They can also be victims of negative social control. One often forgets that. Waagbø further says that one must become better at seeing when boys are having a hard time. – For my son’s part, I want things to get better. I hope the aid system will be better at accepting boys who are having a hard time, whether it’s at home or not, says Floranda. Floranda wants the aid to be more accessible to boys as well. Photo: Laik Hanbaly / news Hi! Do you have thoughts about the case you’ve read, or input on other things news should check out? Tips for cases about diversity, education policy or crime? Get in touch!
