Walrus on the pier in Tønsberg – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

– What? Now I understand nothing. This did not fit into my pattern, says Rune Aae. The researcher has followed “Freya” for a long time, and hardly believes what he hears when we inform that a walrus has appeared in Tønsberg. It was TB who told about the observation first. The walrus relaxes on a pier in Tønsberg. Photo: Anne-Sophie Drouet / news Do you think this is similar to «Freya»? Think it must be “Freya” There is now complete confusion about which walrus has been observed where. Several believe that she was observed off the coast of Rogaland earlier today, but how can she be in Tønsberg a few hours later? Based on the photos, Aae believes he can determine that it is actually about the celebrity “Freya”, and that the observations in Western Norway earlier in the day must therefore be incorrect. – The injuries to one of the loops are very similar to Freya’s scars. It has certainly been up at Lindesnes, we know that for sure, but it seems to have come back again, he says slightly surprised to news. Aae has mapped the walrus’ movements since 2019. The journey extends over large parts of Northern Europe. The animal has become a talking point on social media this spring, after several visits along the coast. This winter she appeared at Jomfruland outside Kragerø, and stayed for months. The stay has brought both joy and irritation. Police and the municipality have several times warned people against staying near her, as it can be associated with great danger. The female has also settled into several boats on her journey, which has destroyed great values ​​for the owners. In Kragerø, the municipality eventually built its own ice floe so that the huge guest would have its own place to lie, which so far has not tempted the huge animal. Was quickly in place with camera Anne Tørresen from Tønsberg was quickly in place with camera when she heard rumors that a walrus had been observed at Smørbergstranda on Tuesday. – It was difficult to find it at first, but we saw a bathing jetty that was quite crooked, and then there was no doubt. There lay a huge beast of a walrus. Absolutely amazing, she thinks. There is little doubt that there is a walrus sleeping on the pier in Tønsberg. But is it the celebrity “Freya”? Photo: Anne Tørresen – It did not care that there were people there. It responds to some sounds from boats, but not us humans, she says. Tørresen still hopes that people keep their distance. However, she is more uncertain whether it is actually “Freya”. – I have browsed a number of pictures of her online, and actually think that this walrus has slightly shorter support teeth than the “Freya” has. But I can be wrong, she emphasizes. Tørresen thinks it’s a sensation anyway. – Should it be another animal, it is still a sensation if we are dealing with two walruses, she laughs. The walrus “Freya” weighs several hundred kilos. The photo was taken when she was in Kragerø earlier this summer. Photo: Per Ole Halvorsen Not suitable as a swimming partner Aae believes that the animal is basically completely harmless to humans, as it has no young to protect. It is still wisest to keep a good distance, he emphasizes. – What happens if you meet her in the water on a swim? – Freya is basically harmless, but if she wants to play and nibble a little, it can have fatal consequences. Regardless of whether it is “Freya” or another walrus, none of them should be in Tønsberg, he believes. It is Svalbard or Frans Josef’s country that is the right address. – Either they are rejected, or they have navigated incorrectly. Fortunately, it seems that most people manage to find their way home again after a year or two.
