Waiting for a major move from Oslo to Drammen pride and Moss pride – news Oslo and Viken – Local news, TV and radio

– We are here to bring the opening with us and to be visible. That’s what Robyn Moen and Julianne Bergan say during the opening of Drammen pride. – Why is it important to be visible? – It is especially important now for all those who do not dare to be visible. That there are some who dare to go out and sit in the sun, says Moen. – Pride is important, says Jonas Borg. Photo: Elisabeth Tøtte Hansen / news Jonas Borg is also sitting at Bragernes Torg and gets to experience the opening. – I know that this is important. I enter with all my heart, because everyone must have a place. And we have to take that place. We have to show who we are, says Jonas Borg. He says he is not afraid after the shooting in Oslo on 25 June. – No, not actually, says Borg. – Love must overcome fear Several pride celebrations have been canceled this summer, but this weekend pride will be held in Hamar, Moss, Fredrikstad and Drammen, as well as Sápmi pride 2022. The Pride parades in Viken will be the first large parades near Oslo after the shooting incident at the London Pub, which brought the celebrations in the capital to an abrupt halt. – Rumor has it that more people are making their way to us. Drammen pride will be the alternative for many in the Oslo area this year, says parade manager in Drammen pride, Angelica Bråten. – We are prepared for it, and really hope that we will have the biggest parade in Drammen ever. With lots of great people who will make a super party, says leader of Drammen pride, Anders Bjørnerud. Angelica Bråten, parade manager in Drammen pride. Photo: Elisabeth Tøtte Hansen / news Although the celebration is marked by the shooting in Oslo, Bråten is concerned that it should not overshadow the event. – There must be a marking. We must show that we will not hide or let ourselves be intimidated. Love must overcome fear. – They are most welcome In Moss, the organizer believes that they will notice that there has been no pride celebration in the capital and that people will make the trip there. – I believe so, and then I hope so. They are most welcome, says Charlotte Norlund, pride leader in Moss. Charlotte Norlund, leader of Moss pride, expects a good turnout and says there are many people cheering them on this year. Photo: Amalie Fagerhaug Evjen / news Norlund emphasizes that it is important to get the celebration done. – The Oslo incident shows that. There is a reason why we have pride the way we do. Both as a celebration, but also with weight as a mark. – I don’t know if I am more sad or cursed. Back in Drammen, Julianne Bergan and Robyn Moen are keen to show that they are not afraid, but admit that they are a little extra on their toes. – A lorry actually came and parked right next to us here, and it had no logo. There was a man from Postnord who came out, but then I was very surprised that I felt “Oi, shall we move?”, explains Moen and adds: – That I have to weigh up my fear against how important I think it is is to actually stay seated. I don’t know if I’m more sad or pissed off. It’s probably a good 50/50 mix. Julianne Bergan (left) and Robyn Moen say it is important that someone is visible, for everyone who does not dare to be visible. Photo: Elisabeth Tøtte Hansen / news The police take account of many people The police were temporarily armed throughout the country after the shooting incident. The weaponry still applies, and the police in Drammen believe that the event will go ahead safely. Øyvind Aas, chief of Drammen police station. Photo: Elisabeth Tøtte Hansen / news – We have a good collaboration with the organizer and are well aware of what will happen during the event. We share information with each other, and there will naturally be more police present than last year, says Øyvind Aas, chief at Drammen police station. At the same time, more people are expected in this year’s parade than in the past, which the police agree with. – We take into account that many people will come. Good weather has been announced, and many organizations have signed up. We take that into account in our planning, says Aas. On Friday, the pride flag went to the top of the tower building at Drammen town hall. Photo: Christine Breivik Øen / news In Moss, people boast of the cooperation they have with the police, and say they have implemented extra security measures. – Absolutely. We have a very good dialogue with the police, and also security guards. It must be safe to be here. The security is good, says Charlotte Norlund. Local politicians stand as guards In Drammen, the political parties also form a ring around pride, and stand with guards around the parade’s first and largest float. Bråten believes it is important that you celebrate pride, to show that you are not intimidated. Photo: Elisabeth Tøtte Hansen / news – We needed extra security, to meet the police’s and the municipality’s requirements in this regard. And then we asked the political parties if they could field some representatives who will symbolically take part in ringing around Drammen pride, says Bråten and adds: – They were positive and we are very grateful for that. Bråten believes at the same time that it is an obligation. – Not just for the day, but also politically. That across politics they can stand together and support pride and the message around pride. Mayor of Drammen, Monica Myrvold Berg, was responsible for the opening of Drammen pride on Friday. Here together with the leader of Drammen pride, Anders Bjørnerud, and parade manager Angelica Bråten. On Saturday there is a parade in both Drammen and Svelvik. Photo: Elisabeth Tøtte Hansen / news
