– Wagner does not play a major role in the war in Ukraine – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

The Wagner group has been involved in some of the heaviest and bloodiest fighting during the Russian invasion. But after Wagner tried to rebel against Russian military leadership on June 23 and 24, the group’s soldiers have been offered to go into exile, join Russia’s regular forces, or go home. – At the present time, we do not envisage Wagner forces participating to any significant extent in the Russian fighting in Ukraine, says Pentagon spokesman Patrick Ryder. – Wagner does not exist There has been great excitement about the Wagner group’s next step. First it was said that the Wagner leader was in Belarus, then it was said that he was in St. Petersburg. His actual whereabouts are unknown. PUTIN’S COOK: Putin and Prigozhin used to be close allies. Prigozhin is often called Putin’s chef, as he ran one of the president’s favorite restaurants. Here from 2011. Photo: Misha Japaridze / AP Now Russian President Putin has spoken out about a meeting that should have taken place five days after the uprising. When asked if Wagner continues as a fighting unit, the Russian president replies: – Wagner does not exist. There is no law on private military organizations. There is a group, but legally it does not exist. Spoke critically The Russian president has recently lost several of his generals. The high-ranking general Ivan Popov, who has been the head of one of Russia’s army forces in Ukraine, claims he was removed from his post after criticizing the country’s military top leadership. In a message posted on the Telegram channel to a Russian member of parliament on Wednesday, he says, among other things, that Russia’s flawed military strategy is costing many of its soldiers life and limb. General Ivan Popov is said to have been removed after he was critical of the military leadership, he himself claims on Telegram. Photo: RUSSIAN DEFENSE MINISTRY / Reuters On Tuesday, a Ukrainian missile hit a hotel in the city of Berdjansk, which has been occupied by the Russian military. One of the victims is said to be Lieutenant Oleg Tsokov, who has been a key figure in Russia’s defense of occupied areas in southern Ukraine. He is believed to have been the most senior among the 10 or so Russian generals killed during the war in Ukraine so far. – He is resting A third general, Sergej Surovikin, has not been heard from since the Wagner uprising. He has had great confidence in the Russian military, including as the former supreme leader of the war in Ukraine. Various sources believe he has been arrested in Russia, for having known about Wagner’s plans for rebellion. When asked whether Surovikin should have known about the plans for an uprising, Vladimir Putin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov replied in June: – There will be a lot of speculation and gossip, and so on, around such events. I think this is an example of this. Yesterday, the head of the State Duma’s defense committee in Russia, Andrey Kartapolov, spoke for the first time about the rumours. – Surovikin is “resting” and is not available yet.
