Voting chaos in the House of Representatives – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

After eight failed attempts, there is no finish line in sight. The ninth vote has now started, but there probably won’t be any clarification now either. To become the new leader of the US House of Representatives, McCarthy needed 218 votes. He got 201 in the eighth and penultimate ballot. Despite new negotiations on Thursday, he is still not around. One of McCarthy’s opponents, Lauren Boebert, surprised the assembly in the last round when she said she would vote for “a Kevin”, but continued to list the achievements of Kevin Hern from Oklahoma. Of the two Kevins, Hern voted for McCarthy, and McCarthy for himself. Another conservative Republican, Matt Gaetz, called out Donald Trump’s name when it was his turn. There is no rule that the candidate must be a member of the House of Representatives. After the vote, Gaetz went out to the journalists outside the hall and declared that he would make a straitjacket for Kevin McCarthy. Little change in the eighth round The result of the eighth vote was 212 votes for Hakeem Jeffries, 201 for McCarthy, 17 for Byron Donalds, two for Kevin Hern and thus one for Donald Trump. Several of those who have opposed McCarthy rallied around Donald on Thursday. news met Donalds on his way into Congress. To the question of what it was like to be nominated, he replied: – It is invigorating. Now I’m going to some meetings. This year, Byron Donalds will enter his second term as a member of the House of Representatives, which is unusual for a leadership candidate. Photo: JON CHERRY / Reuters Midway through the vote, the Republican candidate was in another room with a small group of conservative rebels. So far, all the Democrats in the House of Representatives have voted for Jeffries, who is their minority leader. Former leader Nancy Pelosi told the New York Times on her way into the chamber that the many failed votes were “madness, doing the same thing over and over again without anything changing”. Opposition from own party members The Leader of the House of Representatives, or “Speaker of the House” as the position is called in the USA, is the third most important political position after the president and vice president. Should both of these two be unable to perform their duties, it is the leader of the House of Representatives who takes over the governance of the country. The first thing the Republicans have had to do now that they have the majority in the House of Representatives is to choose a new leader who will take the other representatives under their belt. This is where McCarthy, who until now has been minority leader for the Republicans, has run into trouble. The small majority with which his party leads means that a small group of Republicans gets veto power in this vote. Matt Gaetz and Lauren Boebert are two of the Republicans who are connected to the “Freedom meeting”, and who have not wanted to support McCarthy. Photo: EVELYN HOCKSTEIN / Reuters Among these is the group of conservative Republicans. Some of these call themselves “Never Kevins”, and say the only thing they want is for him to retire, according to the BBC. The resistance group has long called itself “The Freedom Caucus”, or the “freedom meeting”, and since 2010 has expressed strong dissatisfaction with moderate republicans. McCarthy needs either the support of one of these, or a group of members from the Democrats, to get the votes he needs. So far, it doesn’t seem to be going his way. 100 years since the last Until the members of the House of Representatives have managed to choose a leader, none of them can exercise the important functions they have. For 100 years, the House of Representatives has managed to elect a leader with just one vote. However, this is not the first time the members have been in a deadlock. Before the Civil War in the United States, in 1855, they needed a total of 133 votes to agree on the Democrat Nathaniel P. Banks. The process took two months, until February 1856. In the meantime, the members of Congress did not have much to do other than attend voting sessions, which at times were six each day. P. Banks finally won with 103 votes out of 234, when the members agreed to choose the candidate with the majority of the votes, and not limit one user today. Only 14 times before have the members had to vote more than once to reach agreement, according to the investigative unit Congressional Research Service.
