Vøringsfossen has been secured for half a billion kroner – news Vestland

Fossatromma is the last part of the facility at Vøringsfossen. The first phase of the development started nine years ago. – This is a completely unique and iconic facility, says senior advisor Per Ritzler in National Tourist Routes. From before, a steel bridge has been built over the waterfall, which has received criticism, and a smaller viewing platform. From the facility you get a view of the waterfall. Photo: Eskil Byrkjeland / news In glorious sunshine, the mayor of Eidfjord municipality, Timo Knoch, opened the new facility. – It is the most visited natural attraction in Norway. The fact that we have now arranged for safer visits to this attraction is very important to me, says the mayor. In total, the project has cost approximately half a billion kroner since construction began in 2015. The project is financed by the Norwegian Public Roads Administration, Vestland County Council, Eidfjord Municipality and the Hardanger Council. Need for protection Ritzler in National Tourist Routes explains that there was a need to protect the waterfall. Before the opening, the mayor held a minute’s silence for all those who have lost their lives in the waterfall. – People have died here. What we did quite simply is to secure it and make it available to a top international standard, says Ritzler. Fossatromma consists of over a kilometer of secured path, several lookout points, several bridges, two service houses and car parks. Over a kilometer of steel fences have been erected along the path and at the lookout point. The platform itself also consists of steel. In total, nine tonnes of steel were used at the main lookout point, and had to be transported with eight fully loaded semi-trailers. Mari Stadheim in Visit Eidfjord says the waterfall is now also becoming more accessible. – You can experience the waterfall in a completely different way. It is safe. Safe for children and adults, old and young. You can roll a wheelchair or pram out onto the point. Has received criticism There has been criticism of the facility in the past, where it is believed to be too much of an intervention in nature. – We cannot insure everything that can be dangerous in the wild, spectacular and beautiful Norwegian nature. But here you can just park the car and go out, then it should be safe, says the mayor. Mayor of Eidfjord, Timo Knoch, believes it is right to secure Vøringsfossen Photo: Eskil Byrkjeland / news He does not want fences on, for example, Trolltunga and Preikestolen. The mayor believes that you are then on a trip to the mountain home, and make more conscious choices than when you stop just off national highway 7. What do you think of the facility? Absolutely great! The plant destroys the beautiful waterfall! I am indifferent. Show result Mari Stadheim in Visit Eidfjord says that she has heard tourists say that they would prefer to see nature untouched. – But I think such an iconic point has deserved to be facilitated. Then those who want to go out into nature and not meet a single person can do so, she says. Many people are satisfied – It’s really great. It’s nice to have nature that is so spectacular and at the same time accessible, says Irene Schrøder, who lives in the area. This is the view you get of the waterfall from the facility that opened today. Photo: Eskil Byrkjeland / news Several of those news met at the opening were enthusiastic about the facility. One of them was Ivar Lægreid, who grew up nearby, but now lives in Bergen. He does not think the plant is too much of an intervention in nature. – I think it’s good, me. If they want to have a lot of people here, they have to make arrangements, he says. Published 18.09.2024, at 19.18
