Vixen Awards complain Night and Day to PFU – Latest news – news

14 February 2024 at 16:24 Vixen Awards complaints Natt og Dag to PFU Free newspaper Natt og Dag’s body comments on social media provoked strong reactions in the wake of the influencers’ big party night, VG writes. – Natt og Dag has published a post on their Instagram account where they use photos from the red carpet and hang out and ridicule our guests. We believe that Natt og Dag has broken the Vær varsom poster on several points, says managing director Pia Tryland to the newspaper. Therefore, on Wednesday, the Vixen Awards sent in a notification to the Press’ Professional Committee (PFU). VG writes that they have been in contact with Natt og Dag editor Geir Magne Staurland, who has so far not commented on the complaint.
