Vixen award tonight – news Culture and entertainment

Friday is the biggest night of the year for all of Norway’s influencers. The “Vixen Influencer Awards” reward influencers in everything from make-up and fashion to sustainability and knowledge. Selene Fjellvang Lie has received a total of four nominations. Jørgine “Funkygine” Vasstrand and Trygve Bennetsen have been nominated in three categories each. – Incredibly fun, I’m very grateful, says Bennetsen to news. – Always a bit of drama at Vixen Never before have more nominations been received for the Vixen awards. A jury of 15 will choose the winners, together with the 445,000 votes counted. And: – There is always a bit of drama at Vixen! That’s what VG commentator Selma Moren says. – Many of them are more powerful than media platforms, says VG commentator Selma Moren about the influencers. Photo: Amanda Iversen Orlich / news The “Knowledge” category is new this year. There are profiles such as Kaveh Rashidi and Inga Strümke nominated. – It’s a bit outside the group I usually hang out with. Very exotic, says Strümke himself. – It seems that the concept of influencer has expanded from what were once typical pink bloggers to accounts with all kinds of content. Health, nature, training – you name it, says Selma Moren. She believes this is a deliberate move on Vixen’s part. Commercial actors Mathilde Hogsnes is a doctoral student at Kristiania University College, where she researches influencers. She does not think it is sufficiently clear in the distribution that the influencers are commercial players. – Their everyday life consists of collaborating with brands, developing collections, products and brands, she points out. This was also a debate in the autumn. Mathilde Hogsnes believes the award is not representative of the industry. Photo: Jonatan A. Quintero / Jonatan A. Quintero Vixen has only one category that highlights the commercial, namely “Business of the Year”. – The award ceremony therefore does not correspond sufficiently with the industry’s practice, says Hogsnes. – For many years, the industry has been criticized for large amounts of hidden advertising, so I think that Vixen should look at how they can contribute to improving these problems, she says.
