Violent incident in Bergen – Latest news – news

The police received a report of a violent incident in Ibsens gate in Bergen at 09:13. The police armed themselves, but on arrival several people ran away from the scene. No one was arrested, but the police know who they are. The police immediately made contact with a bloody, offended man in his 30s, who had a cut under his left eye and had been beaten. A case was opened for bodily harm. A reporter who was going down to wash reported an argument, Bergens Tidende (BT) wrote, and an unmanageable situation. – A knife was mentioned, but a knife is not said to have been used. We have control over a man who has a cut under his left eye and was found with blood on his face in Ibsens gate. He must have been beaten, says operations manager Frode Kolltveit in the West police district, to the newspaper.
