Violence is increasing in both Norwegian and Swedish prisons – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

In recent years, there has been an increase in violent incidents in Swedish and Norwegian prisons. In Sweden, 1,333 incidents of violence and threats between inmates were reported last year, and around 2,354 against employees in prisons and institutions, reports SVT. A total of 3,687, and there is an increase of over 500 in total from the previous year. – We are losing control. The inmates more or less take over departments, says union leader Christer Hallqvist to the channel. One of the reasons for this is lack of space. Hallqvist says the officers backed away instead of being in the vicinity of the inmates, and did not manage to prevent incidents. It will end in disaster, he believes. – The development when it comes to violence and threats is worrying in Norway as well, says union leader Asle Aase of the Norwegian Prison and Probation Association. – It takes time to get more staff in correctional services, says Asle Aase of the Norwegian Prison and Probation Association. Photo: Rolf Petter Olaisen / news – We receive reports of extreme pressure on employees, that there are many incidents. That inmates in Norway are able to manage individual departments, we should not ignore that, says Aase. More gang criminals The increase in violence behind the Swedish walls is happening at the same time as the number of inmates with a background in gang crime has increased sharply. – We currently have almost 1,000 inmates with links to organized crime and gang crime. It is a challenge for us, says security director Kenneth Holm in the Prison Service to SVT. Threats and violence in Swedish prisons Between inmates 2021: 1,242 incidents 2022: 1,198 incidents 2023: 1,333 incidents Against staff 2021: 1,744 incidents 2022: 1,962 incidents 2023: 2,354 incidents Source: Kriminalvården in Sweden Sweden’s Minister of Justice Gunnar Strömmer (M) says the Swedish Correctional Service is in a particularly difficult situation. – It is a result of a serious development in crime over many years, and an expansion of correctional services that started far too late. Sweden’s Minister of Justice Gunnar Strömmer Photo: Christine Olsson / TT / NTB Staff in Norwegian prisons saved In one year, from the winter of 2022 to the winter of 2023, the Norwegian Prison and Probation Association has recorded a marked increase in incidents of violence and threats. From around 90 registered deviations to around 140 per month. And the number of perpetrators has increased from around 40 to 75, according to figures from the association. Last year, a report came out showing that many employees in Norwegian prisons have experienced violence and threats at work. – It is a difficult situation in Norway as well, says union leader Asle Aase of the Norwegian Prison and Probation Association. According to the report, which Rambøll carried out on behalf of the Directorate of Correctional Services (KDI), one in four has experienced fear of death or danger in connection with incidents at work one or more times. Almost three out of ten have experienced that a colleague has been seriously injured. Director of the Directorate of Correctional Services, Lise Sannerud. Photo: Paal Espen Hambre / Directorate of Correctional Services When the report came out, KDI director Lise Sannerud said she was worried about the development. – It is quite clear that many employees in correctional services are in a very demanding situation. In recent years, we have seen that the proportion of inmates and convicts with serious mental disorders has increased sharply. Findings in the survey of working conditions in Norwegian prisons 56 per cent have experienced forceful use of force between inmates and convicts. 48 per cent have experienced that an inmate or convict has been seriously injured. 66 per cent respond that they have experienced or witnessed someone convicted or convicted of taking their own life or attempting to do so. 39 per cent have experienced finding a recognized or condemned death. 52 percent have been afraid several times. 70 percent respond that they have experienced threats. Source: The report “Mapping psychological stress reactions among employees in correctional facilities”, which Rambøll has prepared on behalf of the Directorate of Correctional Services. Increasing use of community service for milder offenses has also had consequences, she said. – A large part of the inmates today are convicted of more serious crimes, says Sannerud. A group is still working to find measures after the Rambøll report, KDI informs news.
