Violence against children banned in Somaliland – one of several advances in gender equality over the past year

On February 1 this year, a law was introduced in Somaliland that protects children from all violence and discrimination. The law includes, among other things, protection against female genital mutilation. – This happens in a part of the world where almost all girls are exposed to genital mutilation. It is not that this law puts an end to the violent practice immediately, but it is an important tool in the toolbox to put an end to this, says Kari Helene Partapuoli, Secretary General of Plan International Norway to The World’s Best News. Work against child marriage In 2021, NOK 243 million was raised during the TV campaign for Plan’s work against child marriage. Partapuoli says that these funds are very important to be able to work systematically in the coming years, without having to deal with how the political winds are blowing. – Teenage girls, for example, tend to fall between two chairs, to be considered neither children nor adult women. With these funds we can strengthen the work aimed at this group. We want to empower the girls with everything from sex education to advocacy work aimed at local authorities. One of the places we work is Malawi. Here, child marriage is prohibited, but this is not complied with in practice, Partapuoli explains. Progress and setbacks In both the Philippines and the Dominican Republic, child marriage has been banned in the past year, and physical violence against children has been banned in Pakistan. In Colombia, abortion is now legal. In Ecuador and in the Democratic Republic of Congo, abortions can be performed if the pregnancy was due to rape. We ask Partapuoli how things are going with the work for women’s rights globally. – The pandemic has been a setback in gender equality. In Somaliland, for example, the number of genital mutilations has increased during this period. The changes are happening too slowly in politics and the economy, and technologically it is actually going backwards. With the speed we are seeing now, none of us will experience an equal world. That said, it is possible to contribute in a positive direction. Many want change, not least young people, and there are many who work for more inclusion and equality in their local environments, says Partapuoli. Have several thoughts in your head at once Partapuoli points out that the work does not go by itself. She says that gender equality developed in the right direction before the pandemic, and although we have seen a setback now, it is possible to bring about major changes. As long as you believe in it yourself, it is possible, even in seemingly stuck situations, she claims. – But nothing happens by itself and we can not accept the pace of development, says Partapuoli. Partapuoli points out that even when a humanitarian crisis unfolds in Europe, it is important to have more than two thoughts in mind at one time. She says that there are more than a hundred underfunded crises that Plan works with, and that it is important to stay focused even when some crises occur closer than others. Precisely for this reason, she highlights the funds they have received from the TV campaign as good news that can enable Plan to work systematically in the future. First female top manager in the WTO Last year, the World Trade Organization (WTO) got its first female top manager. Nigeria’s Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala has spent his first year in the WTO’s throne to fight for a more equitable distribution of vaccines, and to defend the most vulnerable in the transition to a more climate – friendly society. Through its seat on the UN Security Council, Norway has also promoted the work for women’s rights. At the top of the agenda was preventing violence and threats against female peace activists. We ask Partapuoli if they have any plans for Women’s Day. – In Plan, our focus will be on women’s health, both outside and ‘here at home’. In some places we work, for example, girls do not know what menstruation is. She herself will go out and meet business partners. Partapuoli says it is important to include the business community in the gender equality work. – Especially in technology, a huge ‘push’ is needed, so we want a special focus on that. For example, women and young girls must be involved in influencing and developing the industry.
