Viggo Kristiansen demands 90 million – Latest news – news

16 November 2023 at 17:06 Dagbladet: Viggo Kristiansen demands 90 million Viggo Kristiansen wants a record high compensation. The demand is NOK 89,815,602, writes Dagbladet. – This case is completely unique and cannot be compared with any other cases. Viggo Kristiansen has sat innocently in prison for half his life. He has been robbed of his life, says Kristiansen’s lawyer Brynjar Meling to the newspaper. Kristiansen served 21 years in prison before he was acquitted. The claim is handed over to the Ministry of Justice and Emergency Preparedness. The reason why the claim is not sent to the Norwegian Civil Rights Administration, which normally deals with such cases, is that Siv Hallgren is director there. Kristiansen’s lawyers believe she is incompetent, and cannot process the claim for compensation and restitution. Hallgren was previously head of the readmission commission. She voted against reopening the case to Kristiansen, when a majority of three to two votes reopened the case.
