Viggo Kristiansen back in court to be acquitted – news Norway – Overview of news from various parts of the country

Both the prosecutor and defenders have asked for an acquittal in the Baneheia case, and it has thus been clarified what judge Tonje Vang will conclude. Viggo Kristiansen came to court today together with his brothers and father Svein. It is not allowed to photograph Viggo Kristiansen in court. He is wearing a dark, checkered skort. He sat down next to defender Arvid Sjødin and smiled at the judges when they entered. The defenders will hold a press conference after the verdict, but it is uncertain whether Kristiansen will attend this. Judge Tonje Vang will explain the case before she makes her final verdict. It is expected that this may take around an hour. This is the Baneheia case * Stine Sofie Sørstrønen (8) and Lena Sløgedal Paulsen (10) were raped and killed in Baneheia in Kristiansand on 19 May 2000. They were found two days later. * Viggo Kristiansen and Jan Helge Andersen were sentenced to 21 years in custody (minimum term of 10 years) and 19 years in prison, respectively. * Kristiansen was convicted of rape and murder of both girls. Andersen was convicted of rape and murder of Sørstrønen and complicity in the rape of Paulsen. He singled out Viggo Kristiansen as the main man behind the murders. * Andersen confessed – Kristiansen has always claimed that he is innocent * The commission for the resumption of criminal cases had the case on its table for the seventh time in the summer of 2017. * In February 2021, the commission decided that Viggo Kristiansen will have a new trial of the criminal case. * On Friday 21 October, Attorney General Jørn Maurud decided that he will go to the Court of Appeal with a message that Viggo Kristiansen should be acquitted of the murders and assaults for which he was convicted. The parents’ assistance lawyers Audun Beckstrøm (left) and Håkon Brækhus. Photo: Marius Christensen / news Decided by the Attorney General Although the verdict on Thursday is the final conclusion for Viggo Kristiansen, the decision was made by the Attorney General on 21 October. Attorney General Jørn Sigurd Maurud then said that there is no evidence that Viggo Kristiansen is guilty in the Baneheia case. – I would like to strongly apologize for the injustice that has been committed, said Maurud. When the case was heard in the Court of Appeal on Tuesday, both the prosecution and the defense asked for an acquittal. ACCUSED: Jan Helge Andersen has admitted murdering Photo: Runar Henriksen Jørstad Jan Helge Andersen charged After the acquittal of Viggo Kristiansen, the murder of Lena Sløgedal Paulsen remains unsolved. But in July, news was able to say that Jan Helge Andersen has been charged. Andersen has previously confessed to the murder of Stine Sofie Sørstrønen. The investigation is still ongoing. It is expected that the State Attorney will make his recommendation to the Attorney General next year. It will then be decided whether the murder remains unsolved or whether the case against Jan Helge Andersen will be reopened and a new indictment will be brought. DNA discovery Although the acquittal of Viggo Kristiansen does not necessarily have consequences for Jan Helge Andersen, during Tuesday’s court hearing there was no doubt about whom the spotlight is now directed at. The prosecution states that DNA evidence cannot be interpreted in any way to support the theory of two perpetrators. Prosecutor Johan Øverberg says, on the contrary, that DNA evidence points to one perpetrator. And it is Andersen’s DNA that has been found on both girls. Øverberg also points out that Andersen has never acknowledged sexual abuse, other than some contact with one of the girls. – But now evidence of abuse originating from him has been found on both girls. His explanation must be reviewed again, Øverberg said.
