– Victims have simply been afraid of dying – Greater Oslo

Last year, there were 748 rape victims who asked for help in Oslo. There is an increase in all age groups. But in Oslo, the growth is greatest in the 14 to 19 age group. 95 percent of the victims are girls. In the vast majority of cases, it is peers who commit the rapes. At the same time, only 15 percent tell their parents about the rape. May be due to porn Health personnel who meet the victims say that the increase is partly due to porn. They believe that today’s porn is transgressive and characterized by a lot of violence, like strangulation. Senior doctor at the rape center in Oslo, Martine Rostadmo, says that the increase in the number of rapes may be due to porn. Photo: Per Sveinung Larsen / news – Victims have simply been afraid to die, and it is difficult to make that connect with the fact that he was the handsome boy in the parallel class. That’s according to senior doctor at the abuse center in Oslo, Martine Rostadmo. Amelia Rafn Skuse is in third grade at Edvard Munch upper secondary school. She believes that porn has taken too much of a place in young people’s lives. – I don’t think we talk enough about consent and where the boundaries are. The focus is too much on partying, fucking and what is exciting. Boys can also toughen up, she says. Fellow student Henrik Nummedal Røise believes that schools can take more action, including more sex education. – There has been talk about it, but it hasn’t happened, he says. Amelia Rafn Skuse and Henrik Nummedal Røise say that schools must take more action for better sex education. Photo: Per Sveinung Larsen / news Concerns the director of health Abuse is life-changing and a more extensive problem than society has taken in, he believes. – Parents must be aware that their children who are exposed to this only tell about it in 15 per cent of cases. Therefore, they must be listening and open, says director of health, Bjørn Guldvog. He also says that the school, the health service and the rest of society have a big task ahead of them to bring the numbers down. – Deeply disturbing Head of Save the Children’s Norway programme, Monica Sydgård, says the figures are deeply disturbing. – This is a major societal problem that the government must help solve, she says. Sydgård also says that the availability of porn gives a damaged image of sexuality. – The most frightening thing is that there is such easy access to porn that is violent. Offensive and misogynistic, where men dominate women, she says. Head of Save the Children’s Norway programme, Monica Sydgård says that the numbers are a major social problem, Photo: Save the Children Now she is urging the Minister of Education to step up efforts to get better sex education. – The young people themselves are calling for holistic sex education, so that porn is not what provides education in sexuality.
