VG: Norway violated human rights – locked two-year-old in Trandum for 76 days – Latest news – news

18 November 2022 at 15:19 VG: Norway violated human rights – locked up two-year-old at Trandum for 76 days Norway violated human rights when a two-year-old and his parents were locked up at Trandum immigration center for 76 days. The UN Human Rights Committee states this in a recent statement, writes VG. The UN statement entitles the boy to full compensation, and imposes a deadline of 180 days on the government to comply with the order. The family has already received NOK 70,000 from the state. The statement from the UN does not specify any amount for compensation to the 10-year-old, but orders the Norwegian government to pay full compensation. VG has asked the Ministry of Justice for a comment on the UN statement, but it has not yet been answered.
