Veterinarian believed that the Rottweiler that killed the boy had to be euthanized – news Innlandet – Local news, TV and radio

Veterinarian Birgitta Blohmann has known the dog since it was a puppy. She tells news that it was not a good family dog, as the defendant’s family has explained. – No, I certainly don’t think so, says Blohmann to news. The vet testified in the dog killing case in the Østre Innlandet District Court on Thursday. She said that already in 2016 she recommended that the owner kill the Rottweiler. She had then been contacted after the dog had bitten a three-year-old girl in the face. – Then I said that I recommend euthanizing the dog, says Blohmann. It was VG and HA who mentioned the vet’s certificate first. Denies criminal responsibility The dog killed a one-year-old and eight-month-old boy in Brumunddal in June 2021. It happened while the defendant, who is the boy’s grandmother, was looking after three of the grandchildren. According to the indictment, the defendant’s two dogs got loose in the garden, with the veranda door to the living room open. A gate had been erected between the veranda and the living room. The children were playing on the other side of the house. The boy who was attacked must have gone into the house and probably to the door and gate, and there the rottweiler got hold of him. The dog attacked and bit the boy on the head so that he died. The grandmother is accused of negligently causing the death of another. She denies criminal guilt. Not true It has been revealed that the dog had injured five people in the years before this happened. The accused woman in her 50s has previously explained that she has not been advised to kill the dog. According to veterinarian Birgitta Blohmann, that is not true. She tells news that she told the woman that she should euthanize the dog after the attack on the 3-year-old girl in 2016. Blohmann’s testimony stands in stark contrast to what the defendant and several members of her family have explained in court. They say the dog was a good family dog. The accused grandmother is deeply affected and in despair. She said in court that she did not see the dog as dangerous. – I felt that I did well enough, but I didn’t. This is what I have to live with for the rest of my life. And I certainly deserved that, she said in court. Was aggressive Veterinarian Birigitta Blohmann says that she did not want to treat the dog herself anymore, because she experienced it as unstable and aggressive. According to Hamar Arbeiderblad, the vet explained in court that they had marked the dog with a red warning triangle in their system. It is something they do to prevent employees from being injured. The vet also said she would no longer treat the dog herself. – I didn’t want to put myself in danger and treat a dog that was aggressive and growled at me. Then I said that I no longer wanted him as a patient.
