Vestre wants to control the grocery industry more – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

Unfair price discrimination Proposals for two ways in which price discrimination can be banned are sent for consultation today, with a consultation deadline of 16 December 2022. The government will return to the Storting with a preliminary report by 2022. Proposal to ban negative easements The consultation deadline for the government’s proposal to ban negative easements and exclusive lease agreements that are suitable for limiting competition in the grocery market was 5 October 2022, and the Ministry of Trade and Fisheries is now considering the consultation responses and further process. Investigation of own brands and vertical integration The Government will investigate the effects of vertical integration and the chains’ own brands on the competitive situation, prices and selection in the grocery industry. The work has started in the Ministry of Trade and Fisheries, and an assignment for an external investigation will be announced within a short time. Market investigation tool for the Competition Authority The Ministry of Trade and Fisheries has begun work on investigating the need for and possible design of a new market investigation tool. The proposal will be sent for a separate hearing this winter. Source: Ministry of Trade and Fisheries
