Vestre Slidre municipality with miss in job advertisement – searched for single, male chef – news Innlandet – Local news, TV and radio

“Vestre Slidre nursing home is looking for a single male institutional chef of approx. 45 years. It is desirable that you have a six-pack and reasonably large biceps.” – This is simply a small miss, says Rolf Stalenget, municipal director in Vestre Slidre municipality. On Thursday morning, the municipality published an advertisement where they were looking for an institutional chef. In the advertisement, the municipality had some special wishes about what kind of qualifications the chef should have. GLIPP: You don’t need to be male, single or 45 years old to get the job as institutional chef at the new nursing home in Vestre Slidre, despite the fact that the first job advertisement that was published stated the desired qualifications. Photo: Stine Bækkelien / news Great employer In addition to being around 45 years old, single and having a well-trained body, the advertisement stated that one of the chef’s tasks would be to take good care of the female employees in the kitchen. ADVERTISEMENT: This is what the advertisement looked like on the job search portal Webcruiter. Photo: Screenshot Regarding personal characteristics, it was “nice to have romantic vibes to spice up an ordinary weekday”. – It was probably someone who had made an advertisement with some creative elements that were not removed when the advertisement was to be published publicly, says the municipal director. The advertisement was published on both the job search portal Webcruiter, Arbeidsplassen and, and remained open until around 16:00 on Thursday afternoon. CLEAR AND CLEAR: It was clearly stated in the advertisement on Arbeidsplassen and what qualifications they wanted the new chef to have. Photo: Screenshot He believes that it should be okay to joke internally in the workplace, but that it is unfortunate that such internal jokes become public. – Of course we have to behave properly, but when things went the way they did, I think we have to look at it as a fun thing, he says. He is not aware that there have been any similar mispublications from the municipality in the past. JOKE: Municipal director in Vestre Slidre, Rolf Stalenget, believes that one must be able to laugh at the slightly special job advertisement Vestre Slidre municipality published on Thursday. Photo: Stine Bækkelien / news Hoping for many years of application Stalenget emphasizes that you don’t need to be single, male, 45 years old, have a six-pack or big biceps to get the job as institutional chef at the new nursing home. – Other applicants will also be considered, says the municipal director. He says that the job advertisement has received a lot of attention, especially after the Instagram account BAdesken, with over 360,000 followers, shared the advertisement on Thursday afternoon. HOSPITAL: During the autumn, the new nursing home in Vestre Slidre will be ready. Until then, they need a new institutional chef. Photo: Stine Bækkelien / news The municipal director does not know whether the slightly special job advertisement has led to many applicants yet, but he hopes the blunder may lead to a larger pile of applications. – Whether that will lead to a big rush of applicants, we just have to see. The nursing home, which is about to be finished, will be very nice, so it will in any case be a nice place to cook food for people from time to time.
