– Very worrying – news Rogaland – Local news, TV and radio

In a new survey from the insight platform Medlytic, 42.8 percent of 746 doctors on rotation answer that their mental health has deteriorated during the rotation service. Earlier this summer, news wrote about the rotation doctor Victoria Schei, who described challenging working conditions. She fears it could lead to incorrect treatment. Newly qualified doctors in hospitals are actually called LIS1 doctors today, but are often called rota doctors. Ida Susanna Fattah is CEO and founder of Medlytic. They work to ensure that insights from healthcare personnel are used as a basis when decisions are made. – A tough period The survey shows that 91 per cent believe that the everyday life of the shift is characterized by time pressure. It’s something Fattah recognizes from when she herself was a doctor on duty. – I think it was a tough period, she says. She believes that what emerges from the survey should be taken into account in future decisions in the healthcare system. – Also how this arrangement can be improved, and how to ensure that LIS1 is a good transition to the medical profession. Then you have to go deeper into the findings, but this is a small picture of reality to go on with. She says Medlytic has tried to map both positive and negative sides, and has taken the questions from a research article from 1992. Fattah also emphasizes that they have not investigated what has led to the experiences of poorer mental health. Thus, one cannot determine the rotation period as the only reason. Nevertheless: 79 per cent also respond that the working environment is good, and over 60 per cent are satisfied with the learning outcome. – Very worrying Kristin Utne is leader of the Young Doctors’ Association. She thinks some of the findings are cause for concern. – I am happy to see that many doctors experience the workplace environment well, but it is very worrying that many experience a deterioration in their mental health, says Utne. – Based on the survey, it may appear that high work pressure and unplanned overtime are linked to poorer mental health. Kristin Utne, leader of the Young Doctors’ Association. Photo: Younger doctors’ association Utne says that many doctors experience too little time to complete their work tasks. The working hours are not adapted to all the tasks to be solved. – We believe that doctors are set to do administrative tasks that can just as well be done by others. Then you also have to take into account that newly qualified doctors spend more time than experienced colleagues. Utne also asks for more dialogue between employee and employer about the work tasks to be solved. – We must make arrangements so that it is not necessary to work overtime to solve planned work tasks. It is a problem, she says. – You should not stand alone Ole Henrik Krat Bjørkholt (Ap) is state secretary in the Ministry of Health and Care. State Secretary Ole Henrik Krat Bjørkholt (Ap). Photo: Esten Borgos / Borgos Foto AS He emphasizes that the transition from studies to life as a doctor on duty can be experienced as quite violent. – It is a big transition. It is important to point out that you are entitled to follow-up and guidance from experienced doctors when you are a LIS1 doctor. You should not stand alone. He also reminds that it is the employer, the municipality or the health authority, which is responsible for ensuring a safe working environment. – It is just as important for employers of LIS1 doctors as for everyone else, says Krat. – Demandingly high Hilde Christiansen is director of staff, organization and technology at Helse Vest, which owns the public health enterprises in Western Norway that are employers of LIS1 doctors. Hilde Christiansen is director of staff, organization and technology at Helse Vest. Photo: Helse Vest RHF She is not happy to hear about how the doctors experience their situation. – I think it is demandingly high, to put it bluntly. Everyone has answered based on their own experience, and we take that seriously. At the same time, Christiansen points out that hospital operations since 2020 have been affected by the corona pandemic. It has been very demanding for many employees, including the doctors. She is nevertheless pleased that almost eight out of ten experience the working environment as good. – We will now thoroughly familiarize ourselves with the report. After that, it is important to have a dialogue with managers and shop stewards to discuss which measures can contribute to us being able to improve the situation, says Christiansen.
