Very serious vulnerabilities in the Armed Forces’ information systems – news Norway – Overview of news from various parts of the country

– There are security vulnerabilities and the systems work together too poorly. This is very serious, they write in a press release. The National Audit Office has examined the information systems used by the Armed Forces in operations. The information systems are crucial for the Armed Forces’ operational capability and Norway’s security. The systems must both be secure and work efficiently. – This is one of the most serious reports the National Audit Office has presented. The reason is that the weaknesses can have major consequences for the country’s security, the report states. The National Audit Office has mainly examined the period from 2017 to 2020, i.e. the previous long-term plan for the defense sector. Tightened security Currently, security on the Norwegian continental shelf and around the power supply has been tightened. Now the F-35 fighter jets patrol along the Norwegian coast, and monitor oil and gas installations. The Home Guard will also assist the police at several oil and gas installations. This is happening after powerful explosions hit the Nord Stream 1 and 2 gas pipelines in the Baltic Sea last week. The pipelines were built to bring Russian gas to Europe, but neither is in operation. The explosions were measured respectively at 2.3 and 2.1 on the Richter scale, which probably corresponds to “several hundred kilograms” of explosives. The authorities in Norway, Sweden and Denmark believe it is sabotage, but will not direct the accusations against anyone. Researcher at the Norwegian Naval Academy, Ståle Ulriksen, believes that Russia is behind the gas leaks. Russia denies the accusations. F-35 at Ørland air station. Photo: Ingrid Lindgaard Stranden / no
