– Very relieved to be home – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

– I knew they would come, but it was a bit sudden that they came so early, says lawyer Leif Strøm to news. It was VG that first reported that Granfoss had come to his homeland. The disabled man has spent the last few years in the Philippines with his wife and son. In recent weeks, there has been a lot of attention around him after the news series “No one loves Bamsegut”. After publication, it emerged that the main character had a 30-year-old conviction for the abuse of six children. news was aware of this and chose not to mention it in the documentary. The series was therefore depublished and removed from news TV. Long journey Lawyer Leif Strøm says on Sunday morning that the whole family is now in Norway, but that it has not been decided where they will live in the future. Strøm further says that he has spoken to his client after returning home. – He and his family are very relieved to be home. But it is a long journey and there is not much strength left, says the lawyer. Several million kroner have been collected for Granfoss after the documentary was broadcast on TV. – The collections have had the positive effect that he has now returned home. – Hardt køyr news has filed a complaint with the Press’s professional committee (PFU) and the case will also be dealt with by the Broadcasting Council. – What does Granfoss think about all the media traffic that has been going on in recent weeks? – It has been a hard row, also aimed at him and his family. But he is still relieved to be coming home to Norway now, says Leif Strøm. He feels that Granfoss and the family still have sympathy and support. – Although there has been a lot of negative things here, the situation in the Philippines was completely unsustainable, says the lawyer.
