– Very rare phenomenon – news Buskerud – Local news, TV and radio

Although it does not look like we will get as low temperatures as feared, there are cold days in our long country. That presents a problem. In Gjesdal municipality in Rogaland, a dam has frozen to ice and is blocking the water in the river. Excavators have managed to open up some of the water and the pressure and water level have been somewhat reduced. E39 is open again, but can be closed again if necessary. School had to close In Bærum, Mølladammen school is closed on Friday due to the cold, writes Budstikka. – It is regrettable that we have to close, says principal Gunvor Alderslyst. The school remains closed on Friday as the heating system is not working properly. There are 498 pupils at the school. CLOSED: Mølladammen school in Bærum is closed due to the low temperatures. Photo: Nadir Mohammad Alam / news Earlier this week, students at Bjørnsletta School in Oslo were also sent home. However, the school remains open on Friday. In Southern Norway, several schools in both Grimstad, Lillesand and Tvedestrand have given up opening schools this week due to all the snow that has come. Calm wind causes high air pollution There is high air pollution in several Norwegian cities, write the meteorologists on X. High pressure and low wind mean that there will be poor air circulation in densely built-up areas in the Austlandet, Bergen, Stavanger, Trondheim in the next few days. In Oslo, air pollution is high today and tomorrow it will be very high, according to the Meteorological Institute. In Bergen, air pollution is moderate to high on Friday and high on Saturday. In Trondheim and Stavanger it will also be high during the weekend. Warnings about slippery roads The Swedish Road Administration asks everyone who is going to drive in Austlandet to drive carefully. The cold means that it can be slippery on smaller roads. It was around minus 20 degrees in Oslo on Friday morning and even colder in the area around the capital. Then salt and sand do not bite the pipe, so it can become slippery. The Norwegian Road Administration has been working through the night to prepare vegans for the bitter cold. Ruter has canceled several bus departures in Oslo. Photo: Hallgeir Braastad / news – We ask people to drive according to the conditions, slow down and keep a good distance, says traffic operator Arvid Wahlstrøm. Several bus departures in Oslo have been canceled due to a lack of buses that were damaged by the snow earlier in the week. According to Sofie Bruun, press contact at Ruter, there is also a problem with charging some of the electric buses. Safety in the ski center comes first It is rare that alpine centers have to close chairlifts because of the cold, but on Friday morning the temperatures dropped to minus 30 in some places in the country. – Safety always comes first, says Andreas Smith-Erichsen in Hemsedal ski centre. Photo: Skistar Then it is neither safe nor sound to keep the chair lifts open, several ski centers tell news. – The big challenge is of course if you were to get stuck on a large lift, and you would be sitting there, and I would have to evacuate. That’s according to destination manager for Skistar, Andreas Smith-Erichsen in Hemsedal. It is cold in many places in Norway. It has consequences in the ski centre. Photo: Nesfjellet Alpin Held closed throughout the weekend For the Strandafjellet ski center in the Sunnmørsalps, it is also too cold to stay fully open today. Mari Riksheim, marketing manager for Strandafjellet ski centre, says that the cold closes the chairlift. Photo: Strandafjellet – We close the chair lift. It’s too cold to drive. It must be safe for our guests to sit on, says Mari Riksheim, marketing manager for Strandafjellet ski centre. Rule to close at minus 20 degrees On Wednesday, two of the lifts in the ski resort in Trysilfjellet closed due to King Winter. Although the temperature at the time was a modest 11 minus at the bottom of the hill, it was immediately a bit different at the top. – There is a cooling effect in the wind. And it’s windy at the top as well, said Wegard Mattson in Skistar Trysil. Wegard Mattson in Skistar Trysil has been forced to close two of the lifts. Photo: Frode Meskau / news On Friday morning, the thermometer shows minus 27. That means several closed chairlifts. – For chairlifts there is a rule of minus twenty. Then they should not be started, notes Mattson. Uvdal alpine center also closes the chair lift this weekend due to the cold, with 30 effective minus degrees reported on the lift route. That’s what Laagendalsposten writes. In Kongsberg ski centre, driving with smaller pools is restricted. Cold, but beautiful in Flesberg. Photo: Tordis Gauteplass / news
