– Very annoying – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcasting schedule

– For my part, it was at least very annoying. That’s what chess player Johan-Sebastian Christiansen told news after the Blitz and Rapid Chess World Cup’s second game. He and several others were very frustrated by sounds from metal detectors that echoed over parts of the WC hall initially on the championship’s opening day. – There are some metal detectors that are right at the entrance here that beep all the time every time some of the spectators go in and out. You notice that in a chess room where it is completely quiet, Christiansen said. REACTED: Johan-Sebastian Christiansen, Photo: Christian Grieg Sander / news Took action In the otherwise quiet and soundless arena, you could clearly hear beeping sounds from the metal detectors in the first rounds of matches on the opening day. According to Richard Newmann, who is a “fair play” representative in the International Chess Federation (FIDE), they have rammed and hand-held scanners at several of the entrances to the arena to detect electronic tools that are brought in. This has been done to safeguard security and avoid cheating during the championship. – They are set up here so that all people who enter the arena are scanned. As for the sound, some of the scanners make a sound to warn when an electronic tool is detected, says the Fide representative to news. Newmann says that they quickly took action as more complaints came in from the players. He believes that changes were made after party round number two – i.e. the same round where Christiansen reacted strongly. – No one came to me personally, but several people related to me said that it had disturbed the players, says Newman. CHANGES MADE: Newmann and Fide had to address the sound issue. Photo: Christian Grieg Sander / news – I don’t know if the players are still complaining, but I know they did before we moved the scanner. I don’t know if anyone has done that after we moved them a few meters further in, he continues. More measures Inside the “Baluan Sholak sports palace” in Almaty, neither players nor the public have brought electronic tools into the playing area. Over the public address system, you could hear the strict rules being called out several times. – Something you might have to do to make sure no one cheats?, asked news’s ​​reporter. – That is clear. One can hope that it is more important than our concentration, Christiansen replied jokingly earlier in the day. Fide representative Newmann is aware that the arrangement is not ideal, but points out that they must take several considerations into account. – There is a balance between not disturbing the players and the game, while meeting security needs. MEASURES: The metal lecturers seen from the tunnel and out towards the playing area. These were initially closer to the playing floor. Photo: Christian Grieg Sander / news After becoming aware of the complaints, they moved two of the metal detectors further into one of the players’ tunnels, which is also the entrance to a kind of press zone. – It would be good if we had doors that could be closed, so no one would have heard the “beep”. Since we don’t have that, we have tried to move the scanner a little further from the player area, so we can reduce the sound disturbance, says Newmann. He also mentions another measure: – We have at least one hand-held scanner that does not make sound, but only vibrates. We’ve done some things to reduce the sound for those playing close to that input. SECURITY: The metal detectors seen from the player area towards the tunnel. Photo: Christian Grieg Sander / news – Shouldn’t distract One of the advance favorites before the championship, Richard Rapport, believes that there are always elements that can disturb during a tournament. He nevertheless points out that the sounds did not affect him in any way. – It shouldn’t distract, as a professional player you should be okay with all of this. But we are all human, so some are probably more influenced than others, says Rapport to news. – So things like this don’t bother you? CALM: Rapport believed that the sounds did not disturb him to any great extent. Photo: Christian Grieg Sander / news – Not as much as I used to, but I still do. At such championships there is always a bit of a mess. news has spoken to the Norwegian players Aryan Tari and Monika Machlik who claim they were not disturbed by the sounds, unlike Christiansen. – You especially notice it when you have a bad time and are a bit pissed off after playing badly. Then you notice it very well, said the latter to news after his second party. news’s ​​chess expert Torstein Bae believes that it is easier to get caught up in other things when things are a bit against you. EXPERT: – If you are very much in the zone, you might not be so affected by it, says Bae. Photo: Lars Bryne / news – If you are a little out of balance and have started a little badly, perhaps, it is easier to be disturbed by that. Then you start thinking about all sorts of other things, says the expert. Newmann claims that they almost make changes after every batch to satisfy different needs. – We always try to make it better for the players, while maintaining safety. news is showing this year’s world championship in rapid and blitz chess, which takes place in the Kazakh city of Almaty. It is played between 25 and 30 December.
