Vefsn earns fat from ground rent tax for wind power – news Nordland

Today, the government is putting forward an adjusted bill on ground rent tax on land-based wind power from 2024. The tax rate will be 35 per cent. The proposal will ensure the community a greater share of the values ​​in the wind power industry. – The municipalities get greater authority to decide whether they want to have wind power in their own municipality. That is both right and good. But the local communities that set aside land for power development must have something left for it, says Siv Mossleth, parliamentary representative from Nordland (Sp). See an overview of how much the wind power municipalities collect at the bottom of the case. This means that the relatively small municipality of Vefsn in Helgeland receives an extra NOK 30 million a year from the state. The reason is the large wind power plant on Øyfjellet. – The estimate is that Vefsn will receive over 30 million a year. This will result in high and stable income for the municipality. In addition, municipalities can receive income through any development agreements of their own. I think it is absolutely right that the community and the municipality get a share of this value creation, says Mossleth. Storting representative for the Center Party, Siv Mossleth. Photo: The private Fosen facility yields 62 million Another municipality that can cheer for its slightly controversial wind turbines is Åfjord municipality in Trøndelag. The Fosen facility received a lot of attention when many Sámi protested outside the Storting earlier this year, after the Supreme Court ruled that the facility violated Sámi rights. But the mayor of the municipality, Erling Iversen (Sp) is very happy about the funds coming into a debt-laden municipality. – There is no doubt that it is a lot of money. It will create more predictability. For the investments we have made and those we will make in the future, and to be able to run the municipality, all together. In total, the municipality has a debt of NOK one billion, which is a lot for a municipality with around 4,200 inhabitants. Erling Iversen, mayor of Åfjord municipality. Photo: Åfjord municipality He understands that the Fosen case is inflamed, but according to Iversen, it has not been in Åfjord that people have spoken loudest about demolishing the wind turbines. – There was almost no topic in Åfjorden during the election campaign. We were never asked about it when we were on the stand. There are probably some who want to tear it down, but we have to find a proper solution. – So you don’t want to tear? – It is not our job to speculate about different solutions. But you can’t sign climate agreements with one hand and tear apart wind turbines with the other. At the same time, we must respect the reindeer husbandry and their cultural heritage. – Alpha and omega to say yes Vefsn has incoming mayor Rune Krutå (Ap) and is happy that the municipality will receive predictable income in the future. – It is very good, we had hoped that we would get a system in place that would provide predictable income to the municipalities, and we are now getting that. – What does that mean for the municipality? Incoming mayor of Vefsn, Rune Krutå (Ap). Photo: Terje Haugnes – We are, after all, in a time where all prices are rising, investments and new nursing home places must be in place. So increased income means that we can provide a better offer to the residents. In principle, it is important that when we set aside space for wind power, that you get predictable income back. It is alpha and omega if you are going to get municipalities to say yes to establishing wind power in their area. – Will they make it easier to establish wind power plants in the future? – Yes, in isolation, but at the same time there is a lot of uncertainty around Fosen and the area. So for the time being, there probably won’t be any major progress until the case is resolved. Krutå says that he has seen positive ripple effects after the wind power plant was established. – We see the need for the power and we have seen that after the wind power plant came into place, that we have increased interest in green industry in the municipality.
