USA phenomenon Parker Valby’s training is causing a stir – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcasting schedule

– It’s not as if I jog on those days or do light sessions with alternative training. I think people underestimate what I do, says Valby to the website Citius Mag. The equipment suppliers are behind the proverbial long flat. The 21-year-old is predicted to become one of the best-paid athletes, even before she has delivered performances in a global championship. Breakthrough woman has made headlines in the US over the past year. This summer she won the college championships in 5,000 and 10,000 metres, and also qualified for the Olympics. In the 10,000, she has a personal record of 30.50.43, which is a hair’s breadth better than, for example, Karoline Bjerkeli Grøvdal’s record of 30.50.84, and that even though she only ran around three days a week last autumn. The competitors run three times as much. Compared to the competitors, he runs extremely little – between 40 and 65 kilometers a week. – It is very unusual for runners at her level to run so little, says news’s ​​athletics commentator Jann Post. COMMENTARY MOTIONIST: news’s ​​Jann Post. Photo: Celina Øier, news He is himself a keen exerciser who often runs well over 100 kilometers a week in injury-free periods. Post points out that Jakob Ingebrigtsen, who primarily runs 1,500 and 5,000 metres, runs 180-190 kilometers a week in training. – Most of the people she meets in the 10,000 in the Olympics are probably over 150 kilometers on average over the course of a year, and up to 200 kilometers in periods, says Post. He explains that Valby does what the Americans call “cross training”. – She puts in large doses of other types of training. In Norway, we would call it alternative training, says Post. And that’s exactly what she does: – When I’m on the elliptical machine, there are puddles of sweat on the floor. The running training consists of kilometers of quality. That’s where all the kilometers are done, and then the “calm” days are when I do other training, says Valby himself. OLYMPIC-CLEAR: Parker Valby (left), Weini Kelati and Karissa Schweizer ran away with medals in the American Olympic selection. Photo: CHRISTIAN PETERSEN / AFP Simply summarized: The jumping takes place at a high intensity. The leisurely long rides are replaced with alternative training. – Can train the “engine” harder Even Brøndbo Dahl has a master’s degree in sports physiology and has jumped comparable amounts to Valby over time. With between 40 and 80 kilometers a week, he has become Norwegian champion in 1500 meters and last year set a personal record with 3.37.89. The FIK Orion athlete believes that it is possible to train the “motor”, roughly simplified the pumping ability of the heart and leg muscles, just as well without carrying out race-specific training. Other types of training can even be more effective than running for just that. – You look at the best cyclists in the world and cross-country runners, who drive with a different load than injury-prone running on flat ground. That’s the whole point: you can train the “engine” harder because it’s a gentler form of movement, he says. NORWEGIAN CHAMPION: Even Brøndbo Dahl took the NM gold in 1500 meters in 2022, just ahead of Ferdinand Kvan Edman. The latter participated in the WC in Eugene later the same year. Photo: Stian Lysberg Solum / NTB He also points out that you cannot simply replace a 50-minute run with 50 minutes on an elliptical machine at the same intensity. You will not get a noticeable effect from it. – The most important thing is that you get higher intensity and/or higher volume than with just running. Then there are good chances of having an effect from the alternative training. “Can be good, but not the best” His own training model is quite similar to the Norwegian model with double threshold training, but instead of running two sessions of running, whether it is calm or at threshold speed, he replaces one with a different form for training. This often means cycling or skiing. For someone who has struggled with injuries, it has worked well – and that has enabled him to assert himself in the Norwegian top flight. If one is to become a global top runner, he believes that one must run even more. – I think you can be very good, but I don’t think you can be the best. I believe so until proven otherwise. He points out that Valby is a good runner, but that she is still a long way behind the very best. Just under a minute at 5,000 meters and two minutes at 10,000 meters. – There are many who think that runners should train more alternatively, but I don’t think you should say that to those who run the WC and Olympics. I think this primarily applies to exercisers and runners who are at risk of injury, rather than those who will assert themselves in the WC and Olympics. – Some runners are terrified Brøndbo bases it on the fact that you lose some specific training that will benefit the running. – Muscles, tendons and nervous system are not as adapted to the running movements, and in addition the risk of injury becomes higher during the competition periods. She will tolerate many competitions in a few days worse than athletes who run two to three times as high a volume. POPULAR: Many in the US have noticed Parker Valby (21). During the Olympics in Paris, there will be more. Photo: PATRICK SMITH / AFP Jann Post is also clear that running in the future must form a larger part of the training if Valby is to become one of the very best. – She will probably increase the volume gradually. As of now, she does not appear to be technically gifted. She is a front runner, a classic capacity runner, says Post. While the “Ingebrigtsen method”, so-called double threshold training, is spreading, Post does not believe that Valby’s method will become a trend among the best runners in the world. – We don’t get to see long-distance runners who sprint down to 50 kilometers a week. But what many young people can learn from is that it’s not a crisis if you don’t get to run for a day or two. Some runners are terrified of not being able to run enough, says Jann Post. Valby qualified for both 5,000 meters and 10,000 meters in the Olympics, but will only run the latter distance. She will be in action on 9 August, at 20.55. Published 24/07/2024, at 05.37
