US President Joe Biden with measures to ensure women’s right to self-determined abortion – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

“Horrible and extreme,” said President Joe Biden of the Supreme Court’s abortion decision. 25th of June. The verdict that has allowed self-determined abortion in the United States was overturned. The very next day, abortion became illegal in several states. Now the president is presenting a plan to still ensure women’s right to abortion. At his side stands Vice President Kamala Harris. “What we are witnessing is a gigantic step in the wrong direction,” said President Joe Biden. – It is out of control, he continued and elaborates: – There are already extreme laws in some states. They do not even allow abortion by rape or incest. Last week, a 10-year-old girl was reported to be a victim of rape. She is 6 weeks pregnant. And have to travel to another state. She is already traumatized. Seriously, 10 years old! Does anyone think this is the way it should be? the president asked rhetorically. Presidential order The president signed a presidential order to protect the privacy of women seeking abortion. Women’s sensitive health information should be better protected, according to the White House. This is the abortion dispute in the USA – the USA has no formalized, national abortion law similar to the one we have in Norway. Instead, it is a Supreme Court decision from 1973 that secures women’s right to abortion. The ruling is referred to as «Roe vs. Wade ». – A later ruling stated that American women have the right to have an abortion until the fetus is viable. In the United States, this limit is set at the 23rd or 24th week of pregnancy. In Norway, abortion is only accepted exceptionally after week 22, and Norwegian women who want to have an abortion after week 12 must send an application to an abortion board. – The abortion issue is very inflamed in the United States. Opposition to abortion is particularly strong in conservative states in the south and in the Midwest. In more liberal areas on the east and west coasts, people are more in favor of women’s right to abortion. – Over time, the abortion issue has become increasingly polarized, like many other political issues in the United States. – Opinion polls have over time shown that a majority of the American population wants to preserve «Roe vs. Wade ». – Former President Donald Trump was appointed as many as three Supreme Court justices, and all of these are considered politically conservative. This gave the US Supreme Court a conservative majority. – The court is currently working on assessing an abortion law passed in Mississippi. It bans most abortions after the 15th week of pregnancy. A ruling is expected this summer. – A draft ruling in the Mississippi case was leaked to the news website Politico and published on 2 May. The draft indicates that the Supreme Court will accept the law in Mississippi and in practice repeal the federal right to abortion that was secured with the ruling “Roe vs. Wade ». (Sources: AFP, TT, Washington Post, Guttmacher, NTB) – Right now, the applications on our phones can collect information and sell it to other companies. There is a growing concern that states with extreme laws will obtain this information from your phone and see what you are applying for and what you are doing. There is no privacy. Punktum, sa Biden. Google previously announced last week that the company will delete location history that shows when and where users have visited abortion clinics in the United States. This is to prevent the authorities in states, where abortion is illegal, from finding information about women by means of geolocation. It is assumed that there will be stricter rules for when insurance employees and health personnel are required to share this type of information. In countries where abortion is illegal, women die while performing illegal and dangerous abortions, illustrated by activists in red-painted clothing in California on July 6 this year. Photo: FREDERIC J. BROWN / AFP Want federal abortion rights law In his speech, the president spent a lot of time urging the American people to exercise their right to vote. He believes the best way to secure women’s rights is to change US law. – The only way to change this is by voting. The youth of the United States can decide how this will end, Biden said. – My hope and my strong belief is that women will take back the right that has been taken from them by the Supreme Court. The fastest way to do this is to get a federal abortion law. If it arrives on my desk, I will sign quickly. Can be prosecuted In addition, it is expected that Biden will provide specific instructions to the Ministry of Health and Justice. As it is today, women who perform abortions or buy abortion pills in other states can be prosecuted in the home state where abortion is prohibited. It is believed that the president will make it more difficult to prosecute these women. Health professionals will be trained Lawyers and other volunteers who work with women entitled to abortion will receive training and information on how to navigate the new legal landscape. The US Supreme Court has decided to set aside the ruling that has guaranteed American women the right to abortion for almost 50 years. It creates strong reactions. Chaos after the Supreme Court ruling The right to self-determined abortion had been in force in the United States for 50 years. A majority in the Supreme Court set aside the historic verdict Roe vs. Wade aside last month. It is expected that at least twenty states in the United States will introduce a ban on self-determined abortion. It is up to each state to decide what kind of legislation their women must follow. The day after the US Supreme Court revoked the right to abortion, a majority in the French National Assembly gave its support to a proposal to enshrine the right to self-determined abortion in the constitution.
