US President Joe Biden visits Israel – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

– It is almost difficult to describe how difficult it is inside Gaza now, when an already quite exhausted people in a kind of open prison, do not get access to essential necessities of life. Photo: Gorm Kallestad / NTB Espen Barth Eide is adamant that emergency aid, such as food and medicine, must be given to the civilian population in Gaza, who are now in an “incredibly difficult situation”. – But in the long run, this, like all other conflicts, must find some form of solution. – There is a strong fear now that it will get significantly worse before it possibly gets better. Heralds disaster The situation in Gaza is precarious when US President Joe Biden travels to Israel. Among other things, Biden will discuss the possibility of a humanitarian corridor with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The hospitals in Gaza only have power out on Monday, according to the UN. Photo: Adel Hana / AP Israel has cut off food, water, medicine and fuel supplies to the Gaza Strip. On Monday, a humanitarian convoy arrived at Rafah, Egypt’s entrance to Gaza, but it was not allowed through the border crossing. Health workers wait on the Egyptian side of the border. Photo: STRINGER / Reuters The major humanitarian organizations warn everyone that the need for aid is precarious. As a result of repeated Israeli airstrikes, at least a thousand patients are being treated daily at the 20 remaining hospitals in Gaza. The UN believes the blockade is the definition of collective punishment. Yesterday, the UN aid organization for Palestinian refugees announced that they are no longer able to provide humanitarian aid. The WHO warns of “a real disaster”, and explains that without assistance the doctors will have to “prepare death certificates for their patients”. The Red Cross has previously emphasized that without electricity, hospitals risk becoming morgues. The Gaza Strip is almost sealed, and no one escapes. Nor the 200 Norwegian citizens who are there. Has mobilized 360,000 soldiers An Israeli ground invasion has been announced, and the IDF has mobilized approximately 360,000 soldiers. In the Gaza Strip, the Israeli forces want to eradicate Hamas. – They are like walking corpses. It is only a matter of time. That’s what Jonathan Conricus, spokesman for the IDF, says about people associated with Hamas. He says that civilians are not targets in the military operation. The IDF’s spokesman tells news that he “does not think” Israel will reoccupy Gaza. Attacked “without reservations” At least 2,808 people have been killed in Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip, according to the Ministry of Health in Gaza. Almost 11,000 are injured. 64 percent of those killed since 7 October are women and children, according to the authorities’ press office. There are at least 853 children among the dead, according to the Palestinian news agency Wafa, citing hospitals in the Gaza Strip. This is how news covers the conflict in the Middle East Presence: news currently has two teams working in Israel and in the occupied West Bank. The teams consist of a journalist, a photographer and local employees. That presence is very important to get in touch with sources and get first-hand impressions after the very brutal attacks on civilians in Israel. Gaza: We are not in Gaza now. It is practically impossible because the border is closed and the usual border crossings were destroyed in the hostilities over the weekend. In any case, it is a demanding security situation that must be included in the assessment if the opportunity arises. We are therefore talking to sources inside Gaza and also have a local team that takes video and pictures for us. Balance: Our task is to bring out what is happening, not take a position in the conflict. We cover the war between Israel and Hamas as we cover other wars. This means that we are working to bring out different perspectives, sources and views on what is happening so that we in Norway can best understand the conflict. We must be open and accountable in our journalism, and correct when we make mistakes. We have a special task to describe and illuminate the consequences of warfare for civilians and individuals on both sides of the conflict. Concepts: We relate to the concepts of international international law in this conflict. This means, for example, that the West Bank is occupied and that the targeted killing of civilians is a war crime. Verification: There will be many images, information and videos via social media. Our job is to check this as best as possible before we publish. Much of what is talked about and shared on social media is not true. We must be as sure as we can that what we say and publish is correct. We use the time necessary for quality control before we possibly publish. Responsibility: As a public broadcaster, we have a special responsibility to cover developments in the world. That is why we prioritize presence through correspondents and photographers in the field, also in the current conflict. We are usually staffed by two permanent correspondents in the region. They have their permanent base in Beirut and Istanbul. Sigurd Falkenberg Mikkelsen, foreign affairs editor Even before an Israeli ground invasion has begun, figures on the number of people killed show the dimensions of Israel’s air operation against Gaza. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has specified that Israel will act “without reservations and without respite” to destroy Hamas’s military capability. In just under a week, the death toll in 2023 has surpassed the number killed in 2014, the year of the bloody 50-day war. Before Hamas’ attack on October 7, 227 Palestinians and 29 Israelis had been killed. – Difficult for the Israeli military Ground operations in an urban area will be difficult for the Israeli military, points out Tom Røseth. He is the head teacher in Intelligence at the Norwegian Defense Academy. – There will be major challenges where Hamas has fortified itself, where they have placed explosives, where they have tunnels. The Israelis themselves have said that the expected ground operation is on hold due to bad weather conditions. Røseth points out that the operation is on hold more probably as a result of political reasons. – A ground operation will be difficult, also because there are many civilians in the area.
