Urban cemeteries can become public parks – New City in Bodø is planning a green corridor in the cemetery – news Nordland

Pavel Grabalov at NMBU has spent the last four years researching how burial plots are used in urban areas in Scandinavia and Russia. It all started when he noticed that a cemetery in Copenhagen. – I was surprised at how different it looked compared to my own experience from Russia, he says to news. Grabalov believes that burial groves will be used differently in the future – especially in cities with little available green space. Are Norwegians ready for recreational and activity facilities to be made in our burial grounds? – Yes, I absolutely think so. A cemetery is already used for many other things, says Tom Solli, church warden in Bodø’s church council. Another study shows that only 5 percent of those who visit the Old Town cemetery in Oslo used it to visit graves. Do you use burial grounds for anything other than visiting graves? The cemetery will become a green corridor The planning of Bodø’s new town was started in earnest when Forsvarsbygg, Avinor and Bodø municipality signed an agreement in 2018. news meets churchwarden Solli and area planner in Bodø municipality Kristoffer Larsen Seivåg at Bodø Cemetery. Spatial planner Seivåg tells how they very early on started thinking about new ideas about Bodø Kirkegård. Kristoffer Larsen Seivåg and Tom Solli eagerly discuss how the new district must use Bodø Kirkegård in the urban expression. Photo: Sondre Skjelvik / news – We don’t have much green space in Bodø. That’s why we thought early on: “What can we do to get enough green space in the new district?” Seivåg continues: – In addition to its function as a cemetery, Bodø Cemetery can function as a central green area in the new district. Both as a park and recreation area, explains Seivåg. Bodin Kirkegård is also located in Bodø. Many people use the surrounding area for jogging. But is it okay to take the road through the cemetery, and not the path that runs next to it? Photo: Sondre Skjelvik / news This summer, the city council in Bodø municipality adopted the general spatial plan for the area. There it is confirmed that land is set aside through the cemetery. In other words, it will be used as a green corridor to the new district. – Different functions can be nicely interwoven, Tom Solli asserts. Completely different use than in Russia NMBU researcher Grabalov explains that burial plots, especially in Scandinavia, are increasingly being used for things other than mourning. – In Copenhagen, I noticed that the traditional did not come into conflict with the recreational. There is something very interesting about someone using the cemetery to jog, he says. JOGGING: In Bodø, many people jog in the area around the cemetery, but few choose to make the trip through. Photo: Sondre Skjelvik / news In Denmark they have admittedly been even more liberal than in Norway. – In Copenhagen, cemeteries are to a greater extent social places. For example, they are looking at how they can use burial groves to connect urban areas, he explains and adds: – In Oslo they also recognize this, but there is more focus on the green shift and the local climate. Bodø Kirkegård gets rid of air traffic. It will be replaced with more activity from people. Church warden Tom Solli and spatial planner Kristoffer Larsen Seivåg agree that the cemetery in Bodø can function well as a link between the old and the new district. Church warden Tom Solli says the burial grounds will still be a quiet place where many will find space to reflect. However, there is much evidence that Norway is also using cemeteries to a greater extent to connect urban areas – such as in Bodø. – In Bodø, there will be an axis through the cemetery to the new district. Here we will take care of things such as footpaths and cycle paths, recreational areas and areas for parks or other activities, explains Seivåg. Shouldn’t come at the expense of the traditional Although Norwegians’ ideas about what a cemetery can be used for are changing, many probably think that it should be a quiet place. Tom Solli does not think there will be a problem with too much noise. – I understand that it is in people’s spinal cord. You don’t bring big speakers and have a rock concert. Every time you come to such a place, you almost automatically enter another mode. ROOM FOR REFLECTION AND MOURNING: Graveyards are, and according to Tom Solli, will be a place for reflection and mourning in the future as well. Photo: Sondre Skjelvik / news – It is a quiet place with room for reflection. Nor does Grabalov think burial grounds will lose their identity anytime soon. – I think burial plots will be burial plots in the future as well. They often have an important value in large cities. A place where you can be alone and reflect on life. He adds: – We need these places and I hope they will be there in the future. At the same time, I hope graveyards can also become places where activities take place without compromising the traditional. Here, the planning must facilitate the right activity to take place. Did you get these with you?
