Upgrade to orange danger warning – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

The matter in summary: A strong low pressure is expected to produce large amounts of precipitation in southern and parts of eastern Norway, with up to 40 cm of snow in some places. Meteorologists are upgrading the yellow warning to orange due to the expected snowfall. The combination of heavy snow and strong winds can make for challenging driving conditions, and people are encouraged to consider the necessity of driving. The Norwegian Public Roads Administration is closely monitoring weather developments and has initiated procedures to deal with the expected snowfall. After this cold period, a change in weather is expected with gradually milder weather into the weekend and beyond into next week. The summary is made by an AI service from OpenAi. The content is quality assured by news’s ​​journalists before publication. – Once again, we will get a strong low pressure into the Skagerrak and the North Sea, which will bring large amounts of rainfall in southern and parts of eastern Norway. In inner parts of the area, there will be a yellow warning for snow. The orange warning will apply from Kristiansand and to Vestfold, says meteorologist Håkon Mjelstad. It will be worst in the coastal areas of Agder, Vestfold and Telemark. Meteorologist Håkon Mjelstad. Photo: Kamilla Pedersen – If the forecasts I’m sitting with now hold true, there could be up to 40 centimeters of snow in some places. Most areas will get 20-30 centimeters, maybe a little more. On New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day, the snow fell in Southern and Eastern Norway. In advance, the meteorologists had issued an orange warning. Once again, the meteorologists issue an orange danger warning for snow in the same areas. But this low pressure is fierce and short-lived. – It starts tonight, and then the worst is over tomorrow morning, says Mjelstad. Today, the low pressure has caused problems in Western Norway. Many bus routes have been affected and Flesland has been closed up to several times. Graphics from the Meteorological Institute. Photo: Meteorological Institute Pressing the red button Tore Jan Hansen is department director for operation and maintenance in the Norwegian Public Roads Administration. He says they are keeping a close eye on weather developments. Tore Jan Hansen is department director for operation and maintenance in the Norwegian Public Roads Administration. Photo: Julianne Flølo / news – We press the big red button. This means that it triggers a number of procedures with us. We have meetings with the police and our contractors, so they are ready. He says that there is a lot of snow in the areas that received the most rainfall as we entered the new year. – You shouldn’t worry about 40 centimeters of snow. It’s a good amount, but what I fear most is 40 centimeters combined with the strong wind that has been reported. Then he says that the driving conditions will be very demanding. – Then a road that has just been plowed can be half covered with snow again in less than an hour. This is E18 Kjerlingland at Lillesand at the beginning of January. Photo: Pål Tegnander / news Difficult driving conditions A lot of wind has also been reported in these areas on Wednesday. The combination of a lot of snow and strong wind can make for very challenging driving conditions. – The combination of snow and snowpack results in poor visibility. There is also a lot of snow that will move, and in some places quite a lot of snow can settle, says meteorologist Håkon Mjelstad. He urges people to pay close attention to the weather forecast tonight and tomorrow morning. – I would probably consider whether it is necessary and go out with the car tomorrow morning. If you can have a home office, that’s a good idea, and if you can wait to go out until this is over, it’s not so stupid. And if that wasn’t enough. This week, it looks as if the winter’s cold period is over for this time. We will have a few more days of cool weather, but then it will gradually become milder into the weekend and into next week. Then there will be a change of weather where the cold air disappears, and is replaced by mild air from the south. This is how it looked in Agder on New Year’s. Now there is a new load of snow. Photo: Siv Kristin Sællmann Hello, Thank you for reading. Do you have tips or input for this matter or other things we should write about? Feel free to send me an email!
