Unstable weather gives Yr record visits – news Vestland

– I think I’ve been inside at least three times already. The weather changes from hour to hour, it seems, says Jan-Øyvind Grung Sture. Sola has visited Førde, and Sture and Dagny Olava Lien Gundersen are out to enjoy the nice weather. But the July weather has changed frequently and for Sture the yr app has been used almost as often. There are not many people who jump off the pier these days. Photo: Preben Nedreberg Holmøy / news He is not alone in spending a lot of time on hosting Yr. After a weather-wise unstable start to July, a record number of people have checked the summer weather. To P4, editor and product development manager Ingrid Støver Jensen tells about nearly 13.5 million visits in the first week of July. – It is absolutely enormous, she says to news. In reality, there may be slightly fewer individuals who have visited the host since one person is counted twice if the person is in both the app and the browser. Most from Scandinavia, 40 percent of the traffic comes from Norway. The rest from primarily Sweden and Denmark, but also South Africa, are highly placed on the top list. After a May with sunshine and record heat in several places in the country, the summer weather has been delayed in favor of rain. In the south of the country, it has alternated between flip-flops and boot weather in the first weeks of July. Changing weather was the key word for the first week of the joint holiday. Photo: Malene Laura Solheim – When the weather is unstable, I think people are extra keen to keep up. Then the weather forecast can change because it is more difficult to predict the weather, says Jensen. The previous record was set this spring and was around 12 million visits, says Jensen. Summer of exception 2018 Summer is the prime time for using host services, and Norwegians’ interest in the summer weather is increasing. Ever since the launch in 2007, summer traffic has increased by one million every year. The exception was the summer of 2018. – When there were weeks of stable and fine weather throughout the country. It is the only season we saw a flattening. Then there was no point in checking the weather because it was so stable, says Jensen. A record number of people have visited Yr. Dangerous weather and holiday time are the highlights when Norwegians check the weather. – We see in our logs when there are winter holidays, Easter holidays and all these free weekends in May. There are small peaks in our logs. – Is the latest number a confirmation that Norwegians are interested in the weather? – Absolutely sure. When you live in Norway, you have to pay attention to the weather if you’re going outside. It hasn’t just been bad weather this summer. Earlier in June, there was a tropical night in several places in the country. – Some plans have been somewhat ruined For Jan-Øyvind Grung Sture and Dagny Olava Lien Gundersen in Førde, the rain app is not far away, even if there are a few hours of sunshine. – I’ll probably go in and check on you sometime soon, I think, says Sture. There are not many people who jump off the pier these days. Photo: Preben Nedreberg Holmøy / news Gundersen also thinks the holiday weather has been very unstable. – Some plans have been somewhat ruined by it, but we have been able to do most of what we were supposed to do. – For now, I think we’ll just enjoy the stay, and then we’ll see what the rest of the day brings, adds Sture. Published 16.07.2024, at 21.34 Updated 16.07.2024, at 21.53
