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– In my eyes, Harry Kane is the striker who performs best in the world right now. news’s ​​football expert Carl-Erik Torp smiles slyly. He is fully aware that he may have a controversial opinion in the eyes of Norwegians, but is adamant that he has figures that can substantiate what he says. The statistics for the two obvious candidates this season are as follows: Statistics highlight the season 23/24 Erling Braut Haaland: 13 goals in 12 games in the Premier League. 19 goals in 21 club matches in total. Harry Kane: 17 goals in 11 games in the Bundesliga. 21 goals in 16 club matches in total. Kylian Mbappé: 13 goals in 11 games in Ligue 1, 17 goals in 17 games overall. Robert Lewandowski: 7 goals in 11 games in La Liga, 10 goals in 19 games in total. – Unpopular? Who cares? – For me, Kane is the one who is currently performing best. Haaland has had a dry spell, but is back now, analyzes Torp and continues: – Third place is more open and interesting. Robert Lewandowski should be there, but has not had the most solid period in Barcelona and was a little injured, while Karim Benzema has made a club choice that makes him irrelevant. – You choose Kane over Haaland. It is hardly a popular opinion here at home? – Unpopular … Who cares? It is about the fact that they are slightly different types of players, replies Torp. He highlights the way Kane finishes, the way he gets into scoring position and the composure he has in the decisive situations. – Kane is nowhere near the rawness Haaland has, but is completely at the other end of his career and has perfected his style. For me, he is the best striker right now, underlines Torp. Who is the best striker in the world right now? Erling Braut Haaland Harry Kane Robert Lewandowski Kylian Mbappe Karim Benzema Another Show result – Come to discuss me green Expert colleague Kristoffer Løkberg thinks it is very difficult to choose a top 3 list of strikers in the world right now. The Viking profile also believes that it is between Kane and Haaland on the throne, and that a whole bunch of other players are fighting for third place some distance behind the two at the top. – I will probably end up in one or another conversation around Christmas time and debate myself green about who is the best. For me, what Harry Kane is doing now in Germany is extremely strong. He has an ability to stitch the game together to an even greater extent than what Haaland manages to do, says Løkberg. DIFFICULT GAME: Carl-Erik Torp and Kristoffer Løkberg think it is demanding to choose the best striker in the world, but Torp falls to Kane and Løkberg leans in the same direction. Photo: Montaje news – I’m struggling He emphasizes that this is also about role requirements and what system he plays in. – We won’t get as good answers about how good Haaland can be in other parts of the game until he gets a coach to instruct him to do much else than what he does, says Løkberg. The news expert believes that Haaland is best at watching around the box, making the right runs at the right time and poking the ball in with both the left and occasionally the right. – I’m struggling to decide who is the best of Kane and Braut, it will be the new Ronaldo/Messi discussion, says Løkberg. BIG MATCH: Manchester City and a probably injury-free Erling Braut Haaland meet Liverpool for a big match on Saturday. Photo: OLI SCARFF / AFP National team manager Ståle Solbakken has no problem naming Haaland the best right now. But I am also bound by the program to mean exactly that. – Erling, Kane and Mbappe in that order, says Solbakken to news. Løkberg believes that the two Bayern and City players are two very different forward types who are extremely good at their respective things. But the news expert prefers that the English national team captain is more than our own jærbu. – Kane may have a greater range to show right now. But Braut has many years to go to show that he can master that part of the game as well, and he has taken big steps both on the wrong side and in the constructive game, says Løkberg. GOOD: Harry Kane has had a brilliant start at Bayern Munich. Photo: AP Thorstvedt: – Extraterrestrial Kristian Thorstvedt is at odds with the two news experts. Haaland’s teammate on the Norwegian national team answers questions about the top 3 strikers in the world right now: – Is Mbappé considered a striker? He does it? Then I would say Erling, Mbappé, Kane, in that order. Even if it stung a bit in my Tottenham heart, says Thorstvedt to news. – Mbappé is a sick player and has shown it in the World Cup and in the Meisterligaen, but for me Erling is something completely otherworldly. It is absolutely incredible what he achieves by scoring so many goals at a young age, and kept it up for so many seasons. Incredibly impressive, adds Thorstvedt. Oscar Bobb, Erling Braut Haaland’s teammate both in the national team and Manchester City, may be forced to choose with a blue eye. But he chooses the following list: – Erling, Mbappé, Harry Kane. Erling is naturally at the top, he replies. Manchester City and a probably injury-free Erling Braut Haaland meet Liverpool for a big game on Saturday at 1.30pm. Kane and Bayern already play away to Cologne on Friday evening.
