UNN CEO Anita Schumacher resigns due to change process in Helse Nord – news Troms and Finnmark

On Tuesday, the board at the University Hospital in Northern Norway decided to start a process to recruit a new senior manager at UNN. Anita Schumacher, managing director, is scheduled to retire in January 2025. It has now been decided that she will resign earlier: 1 August 2024. – The reason is that the board wants to start a recruitment process for a new director already now . These changes from the Helse Nord process will come into effect and be implemented after the summer, and a new director will be in place who can follow it in the future, says Schumacher to news. – Do you agree with that decision? – Yes, I think it can make sense, says the managing director. Schumacher says that they expect there to be changes at UNN as well, and that this will take time. – It is a point to have someone there from the start and perhaps one or two years from now who can follow this. I have said that I have wanted to retire when I turn 67 in January. Wants to recruit a manager at the start of 2024 The chairman of the University Hospital in Northern Norway, Roald Linaker, tells news that the reason is complex, and primarily related to Schumacher working until she retires, i.e. until 2024. – So we are in a restructuring situation at UNN, as the largest hospital in Northern Health, and there will be processes where we want to have a new top management in place before those processes really take hold, both with regard to the HN processes and the internal restructuring processes at UNN . So that is the underlying reason. Roald Linaker, chairman of the University Hospital in Northern Norway Photo: Vilma Taubo / news Linaker says that the chairman and director have had several conversations. – When she signaled that she envisioned working until 2024, I saw a need to get in place with a new top manager as quickly as possible. This is quite recent, but it is a process that has developed over a few months, says the chairman to news. – Is there any disagreement between the board and the director about how the hospital should be run? – No, there is no reason to perceive it as such, says Linaker. He says that the leader who will implement the major changes coming to UNN must be available from the beginning of the process. – Therefore, we see it as appropriate that a leader should not be changed in the middle of such a process. In the press release, they state that they want to recruit a new manager in the first half of 2024. – The first task for the new director will be to ensure that the necessary changes resulting from the decisions of the Helse Nord board are implemented in UNN’s operations, writes UNN in the press release. – Cooperation with employees must be intensified Lill Sverresdatter Larsen, leader of the Norwegian Nurses’ Association, believes that the important thing is who the new director will be and that person’s understanding of the societal mission: Health services for the population in the north. – Understanding of the situation we are in with regard to health services in Northern Norway, regional health services for which UNN has particular responsibility. – But also an understanding of how you manage to retain and recruit healthcare personnel. It is one of the biggest problems we have in the north, a lack of health personnel. Sverresdatter Larsen believes that participation and cooperation with employees must be intensified, considering the shortage of health personnel. Lill Sverresdatter Larsen, leader of the Norwegian Nurses Association Photo: Kristin Henriksen
