– Unfortunate for our defense capability – news Troms and Finnmark

– It is unfortunate for our defense capability and preparedness. Minister of Defense Bjørn Arild Gram (Sp) says that Norway is now without maritime helicopters. Last week it was announced that the government will return the NH90 helicopters, which have been a headache for the Armed Forces for many years. The helicopters worth NOK 5 billion were ordered 20 years ago, but still not all the helicopters are in place. Not only are deadlines broken. The Office of the Auditor General has concluded that the helicopters provide fewer flight hours than expected, have a high need for maintenance and high operating costs. In addition, considerable work and costs remain associated with upgrading them so that they have full operational capacity. – It is very unfortunate that we have not got the capacity we have needed. Now it was time to cut through and look for other solutions to ensure better capacities faster for the future. Minister of Defense Bjørn Arild Gram says they are working hard to find a temporary solution. Photo: Terje Pedersen / NTB NH 90 NH90 is a helicopter with two engines, developed by Italian NHIndustries (owned by Eurocopter, Augusta Westland and Stork Fokker. The Norwegian Ministry of Defense decided in 2001 to acquire 14 NH90 helicopters, eight of which will replace six of the Coast Guard’s Westland Lynx helicopters. Six will be delivered to the new frigates to the Norwegian Navy. The Coast Guard’s helicopters will be subject to 139 Air Force and 337 Squadron. and the entire fleet, ie 14 machines, will be phased in by 2022. Norwegian procurement costs were initially NOK 5.7 billion Source: The Norwegian Armed Forces, the Ministry of Defense, news, Wikipedia The Coast Guard loses helicopters The NH90 helicopters have not only been used in connection with the Armed Forces. The helicopters have also played a very important role in search and rescue operations. canceling the delivery of the NH90 helicopter will mean that the Coast Guard will be without a helicopter for a long time. The head of the Coast Guard, flag commander Oliver Berdal, says the decision to scrap the NH90 helicopters was both correct and important. But it’s not unproblematic either. Four of the Coast Guard’s vessels will in principle have a helicopter on board at all times. – Being without a helicopter is very negative for the Coast Guard and thus very negative for Norway, says Berdal. Berdal says the Coast Guard will now intensify controls and deploy more vessels in some areas. – In areas where there is very high activity or where there is a high risk, we will try to compensate for the fact that we do not have a helicopter, he says. Afraid of losing competence The NH90 helicopters have their main base at Bardufoss in Inner Troms. Where the defense capability is concerned about the defense capability, the municipalities in Inner Troms are also concerned about the competence environment. The leader of the Mid-Troms Council, Toralf Heimdal, is afraid that the employees of the Air Force at Bardufoss in Troms may disappear in the same draft as the helicopters. – Then it can be very difficult to rebuild the environment, says Heimdal. He is also the mayor (Sp) of the defense municipality of Bardu. He is afraid that employees may now be offered jobs elsewhere in the country. – What then happens when we finally get helicopter capacity in place at Bardufoss, the Air Force says that there is no expertise left at Bardufoss, so that it must be added to Bergen, for example, says Heimdal. The county council leader in Troms and Finnmark, Bjørn Inge Mo (Labor Party), has asked Minister of Defense Bjørn Arild Gram for a meeting after the government decided to terminate the contract for the helicopters. – The decision is of great importance to employees in Inner Troms. The employees must be taken care of and secured so that the professional environment does not lose valuable competence and weather while Norway is looking for new helicopters. This is also an environment that is central to interaction between business and local communities, says Mo in a press release. . The leader of the Mid-Troms Council, Toralf Heimdal, fears that it is not only the helicopters that are disappearing from northern Norway, but also skilled employees. Photo: Silje Olsen Engenes / news – Must go fast – I would like to ask for the rapid procurement of new helicopters to ensure that total preparedness is maintained. We are worried, says Bjørn Inge Mo. Oliver Berdal in the Coast Guard is also aware that it is important to put in place a helicopter solution as soon as possible. – Norway is a large maritime nation with a very demanding coast and large sea areas. There is no doubt that out at sea and along the coast, it is important that Norway has good helicopter coverage. The leader of the Mid-Troms Council, Toralf Heimdal, also calls for a quick process. – We must procure a maritime helicopter so that we are not left standing for a long time. In dialogue with Allied Minister of Defense Bjørn Arild Gram says the work of finding a replacement for the NH90 helicopters is underway, but he emphasizes that it will take time to find a permanent solution. – It’s not just about acquiring a new helicopter, it unfortunately takes time no matter what we do. But we will look very thoroughly for temporary and short-term solutions. The Minister of Defense says the government will look at a temporary strengthening of the rescue helicopter service during the period without a permanent helicopter solution. Gram says the government will look at the possibility of renting a helicopter and that it will be relevant to cooperate with close allies.
