– Unfair – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

– It is unfair that someone can erase their exam grade, while ours remain, say Erle Bjune Horgen (16) and Elise Lundorf Wessman (17). The holidays are just around the corner for the students at Greveskogen upper secondary school in Tønsberg, but for some students the summer is almost ruined. The two friends had their maths exam at the end of May. They have yet to know the result, but both are sure that they will get a worse grade than expected. The reason, according to the girls, is a mess with the implementation and a far too high level of the tasks. – There were several tasks I did not manage. It was far too difficult, says Erle. She says that other students, who have seen the assignments, also think the level was high. – One in the 3rd grade thought this was on par with what they have in the syllabus, explains Erle. Erle Bjune Horgen Photo: Philip Hofgaard / news Directorate of Education: – This can happen According to the Directorate of Education, the girls are right when they say that the exam was difficult. – The degree of difficulty of one of the tasks was higher than expected this year. We have new curricula. Then this can happen, says department director Per Kristian Larsen-Evjen. But according to the head of department, this should not affect the students. – We have adjusted the grade limits and expanded the possibilities for points on certain assignments, explains Larsen-Evjen. Per Kristian Larsen-Evjen, department director in the Norwegian Directorate of Education Photo: Udir May cancel exam in Norwegian The implementation of this year’s exams has received a lot of criticism. Login problems and aids that don’t work are among some of the problems reported from schools across the country. Several have been offered that the exam can be cancelled. Erle Bjune Horgen and Elise Lundorf Wessman are also critical of the completion of the exam. The girls say that a lot of different information was given and that it caused extra stress. – We were told that we had to enter an assignment with a pen after half the time had passed. Then I had to start all over again with the task, explains Elise. Elise Lundorf Wessman Photo: Philip Hofgaard / news Now they also want the exam cancelled. – The implementation was unprofessional. The Directorate of Education should cancel this year’s exam and get a better system for next year, says Elise. According to the Directorate of Education, they can apply for cancellation if they believe formal errors have occurred during the implementation, but the threshold is high. – The login problems affected many candidates. We have chosen to let the schools that were affected have the opportunity to apply for cancellation for their students, but there were no technical problems in the mathematics 1T exam, says Larsen-Evjen. – Should be fairer The girls indicate that some pupils at their school were given information about what they would probably come up with orally, which pupils have also received elsewhere in the country. – It is an unfair system when only 20 percent come up. And it becomes extra unfair when someone gets extra information, or can choose to cancel their exam, says Elise. Erle Bjune Horgen and Elise Lundorf Wessman have had feedback from several people who support them that the maths exam was difficult. Photo: philip hofgaard / news According to the Directorate of Education, the exam is a large and complex event. – There is no perfect solution that everyone will perceive as equally fair, but the exam grade is often not that different from the position grade, says the department director. The girls believe that everyone, or no one, should have an exam. – If they are concerned about the pupils’ mental health, it should be fairer, says Erle. – But if you are going to study further, is the exam an important experience? – I see that it is an important experience, but it is not necessary. After all, we are constantly evaluated by our teacher. And if you turn it around, it becomes unfair that some get experience with the exam and others don’t, says Elise.
