Uncovered underground secret tunnel in Elverum when they were digging for a water leak – news Innlandet – Local news, TV and radio

– It’s not just nonsense we’re talking about, because here it is! Steinar Hovland does not hide his great joy. He is a former cultural adviser in Elverum municipality and a local history enthusiast. Hovland was absolutely certain that the tunnel still existed. They have been talking about it for many years, but not everyone has believed them. Now the excavation work after a water leak has confirmed what the history buff Elverumsinger has told about. – It’s better than Christmas Eve and quite a lot of other things, says Hovland. Played in the corridors in my childhood Per Olai Stømner (72) from Elverum owns the apartment building. When he was young he used to play in an underground tunnel. It was in the 1960s. Since then, Stømner has told many people about the memories from the tunnel. Not many people believed in him. Work is now starting to map the hidden passages under Elverum. County archaeologist in Innlandet, Kjetil Skaare has been on site and examined the tunnel. – This is simply fantastic, he says. 300-year military history The underground tunnel was built in the 1680s, at the same time as Christiansfjeld fortress was built on a hill on the east side of Glomma. Christiansfjeld fortress was one of several defense facilities along the Glomma. It was supposed to protect the road to Hedemarken against Swedish attacks. The tunnel was probably used as an escape route for soldiers who had to get between Glomma and the fortress unseen. Illustration: Drawing from Cerhard Schøning’s collections / Norwegian folk museum The tunnel is mentioned in military archives in Copenhagen. But it has not been described, says Ola Mørkhagen at the Glomdal Museum. He specializes in military history and is also very excited about the find. From the original drawings, when Christiansfjeld fortress was only intended as a redoubt, an outpost in Galgebergparken is indicated. – You had to have an outpost to keep an eye on the enemy not going up the river and occupying themselves there, says Mørkhagen. AN EXTRA FORT: Ola Mørkhagen says that Elverum was a suitable place for attacks and there were many small redoubts around in addition to the main work Christiansfjeld fortress. Photo: Frode Meskau / news Mørkhagen would like to know exactly where the tunnel went and if there are more of them. – There are probably several tunnels in Galgebergparken. We know of a place that is closed again. Accidentally poured With the discovery of 300-year-old military history, something good came out of the water leak. The tunnel that Stømner played in as a child came to light during the repair – by accident. Now he is excited about what will be revealed when the tunnel is examined more closely. – It’s exciting, whether it was really an escape route or whether you should take the Swedes from behind if they came, he concludes.
