Unarmed Ukrainian soldier killed – demands investigation – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

The video shows a smoking Ukrainian soldier standing in a ditch. He says “Slava Ukraine!” which means “All glory to Ukraine” seconds before he is shot with an automatic weapon. The soldier falls to the ground as several volleys of gunfire are fired at his body. In the video, a Russian can be heard saying “Die your dog!” Tributes from sister Before he was identified by the Ukrainian military, the sister of the missing soldier told the BBC that her brother was very brave. – He never hid the truth and certainly would never do so in front of the enemy, says the sister. She believes it is typical for the brother to pay tribute to Ukraine before he was shot. A mother is looking for her son who is a prisoner of war with Russian forces. – I’m waiting for you, it says on her poster. The photo was taken in Kyiv on 24 December last year and is not directly related to the article’s prisoner of war. Photo: SERGEI SUPINSKY / AFP – My brother was certainly able to stand up to the Russians as he did, she tells the British broadcaster. – Heinous war crime The soldier was identified on Tuesday as Tymofij Mykolaivych Shadura by the Ukrainian military, writes Al Jazeera, among others. Sjadura has been missing since 3 February from near the town of Bakhmut, where intense fighting has been going on for a long time. Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba asks the International Criminal Court to investigate the murder. Kuleba says it is vital that Chief Prosecutor Karim Khan “establish an immediate investigation into this heinous war crime”. – There is a gruesome video of an unarmed Ukrainian prisoner of war being executed by Russian forces allegedly for saying “all glory to Ukraine”. – This is yet another piece of evidence that this war is genocide, says the foreign minister. Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Karim Khan. Photo: POOL / Reuters – The guilty must be held accountable, says Kuleba. Zelensky: – Glory be to the hero! In a speech, the president pays tribute to the soldier in the video. Zelensky highlights what the murdered man said before he was shot. – I want us all to do like him. – All glory to the hero! All glory to all heroes! All glory to Ukraine! The video of the soldier has been circulating on social media since Monday. It shows a smoking Sjadura standing in a ditch. Prosecutor General Andriy Kostin says that he has already opened a Ukrainian investigation into the video and the murder, writes the BBC. Many Ukrainians have a family member held captive by Russian forces. The picture shows relatives demonstrating and demanding that their relatives be set free. The photo was taken in Kyiv on 24 December last year. Photo: SERGEI SUPINSKY / AFP Ukraine’s human rights ombudsman, Dmytro Lubinets, accuses Russian forces of war crimes by violating the Geneva Convention on how prisoners of war should be treated. – Very brutal war Lieutenant Colonel and head teacher at the Defense Staff School, Geir Hågen Karlsen, tells news that the video of the murder must be seen in light of the fact that this has been a very brutal war. – We already saw in Butsja early in the war how the Russians proceeded against civilians with murder and rape. – We saw how the Russian Wagner group beat one of their own to death with a sledgehammer and posted it on video. Lieutenant Colonel Geir Hågen Karlsen. Photo: Christian Bugge Hjort / Forsvaret / NTB Karlsen says there is abuse on both sides, but that there is a big difference between Russia and Ukraine. – The Ukrainian authorities are pursuing it and doing something about it. We do not see that on the Russian side. Karlsen believes that Russian soldiers are not trained in the international law of war. He says that further investigation will determine whether what the video shows is a war crime. – What we see appears to be pure murder, says Geir Hågen Karlsen. Abuse of prisoners of war The BBC writes that in July last year a video was released about another Ukrainian soldier in Russian captivity. It showed that the soldier was castrated as a prisoner of war in the Donbas region in eastern Ukraine. Ukraine has previously accused Russia of torturing, raping and killing Ukrainian prisoners of war. In November, Russia accused Ukrainian soldiers of having killed a group of Russian soldiers, writes the BBC. Ukraine’s military says the body of the soldier shown in this week’s video is still in an area controlled by Russian forces.
