Ukrainians have learned stress management in Norway – now Norwegian conscripts are receiving the same training

500 Ukrainian soldiers have gone through the stress management program “Operational Resilience Training”. 400 through operation Gungne in Trøndelag and 100 through EUMAM training in Germany. – It has been developed with research-based knowledge through collaboration with the American armed forces, says Petter Iversen to news. He is a brigadier in the Norwegian Armed Forces’ sanitary department who has been responsible for the training. – Through Operational Resilience Training, we take care of the soldiers in an even better way, while the operational capability of the Armed Forces becomes even more robust, says Iversen. Brigadier Petter Iversen. Photo: Kristine Urke Johansen / news Norwegian soldiers get the same program – It’s very interesting and it gives the impression of a film look from a this being used in a real war situation in Ukraine. Here, tools have been developed that enable you to deal with severe stress in a war situation, says Gram to news. Operational Resilience Training is described as a program developed to strengthen soldiers’ mental robustness in the face of the challenges of modern warfare. The program is tailored to meet the unique psychological and physical stresses experienced by today’s soldiers, especially at the front in Ukraine. – The Ukrainians are incredibly happy. We get messages from the front that this is appreciated and that it works. The feedback is so good that it will now also become part of Norwegian training. – It is very interesting to take it further in the Norwegian defence, and we hear that allies want to include it in their activity. Defense Minister Bjørn Arild Gram (Sp) Photo: Fredrik Varfjell / NTB Has trained thousands of Norwegian soldiers Ever since 2022, Norway has contributed to training Ukrainian soldiers who will contribute to the fight against Russia. In a press release, the defense states that Norway has contributed to the education of around 7,400 Ukrainian soldiers. Almost a thousand Norwegian instructors have taken part in the training. The Home Guard and the Armed Forces’ sanitation have received feedback that the soldiers trained at Værnes through Operation Gungne are better able to help other soldiers who have difficulties functioning due to mental stress Published 19/09/2024, at 13.30 Updated 19.09.2024, at 13.38
