Ukrainian soldiers trained with the air defense Nasams in Norway – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

There are sources in the US authorities who tell the New York Times that Ukrainian soldiers have received training in the use of air defense in Norway. According to news’s ​​information, this information is correct. The soldiers have been trained in the use of the Norwegian system Nasams. There will be just under a hundred soldiers, and Norwegians are responsible for the training. Nasams will be in place in Ukraine in the next few days. This was stated by the US Defense Minister Lloyd J. Austin III a week ago. It is the USA that has donated the weapons to Ukraine. The country has done this with purchases in the private market. COLLABORATION: Nasams was developed by Norwegian engineers. They wanted a network-based air defense system. Photo: Martin Mellquist / Norwegian Defense Capacity The Norwegian company Kongsberg makes Nasams. They have previously confirmed to news that they have plans for training in Norway. Kongsberg ASA today refers all questions to the Ministry of Defence. – Norway supports the American Nasams donation with material and training of personnel, the ministry writes to news. The ministry does not want to answer questions about where or when the training took place. IRREVOCABLE: Here, a drone sent towards Kyiv has found a target. Photo: GLEB GARANICH / Reuters Great need Ukraine is attacked almost daily with drones and missiles. Among other things, the attacks have been directed at the supply of electricity and heat. – Ukraine needs effective air defense, both to protect itself against air and missile attacks as we have seen in recent weeks, and to protect its ground forces against attacks from the air, writes the Ministry of Defense to news. Nasams are said to have never before seen service in a war. The missiles in the system have previously been used to shoot down aerial targets, including in Iraq. The Norwegian authorities are sure that Nasam will make a valuable contribution. – Nasams will be very effective in protecting cities against air and missile attacks, writes the Ministry of Defence. CHEAP: An Iranian Shahed-136 drone just before crashing into a target in Ukraine. These are simple mass-produced weapons. Photo: STRINGER / Reuters Expensive equipment The missiles in Nasams are American Amraam. Each of these will cost one million dollars. Russia is now using large numbers of Shahed 136 attack drones against targets in Ukraine. How much the Russians pay for each drone is unknown. It has been estimated that the price is about 20,000 dollars. – It can seem as if you are shooting sparrows with cannons if you invest in expensive air defense systems to shoot down cheap drones, says researcher Ole Jørgen Maaø at the Norwegian Air Force School. WHAT YOU’RE DEFENDING: Civilians and rescue workers have taken cover against drone attacks in the Ukrainian capital. Photo: STRINGER / Reuters The goal is important Maaø believes it may still be right to use expensive weapons to shoot down cheap drones. – It is not the weapon of the other party and whether this is cheap or not, which must be decisive, says Maaø. He believes the important thing is what you protect. What you prevent the opponent from destroying. – It is your own population, industry, infrastructure and military forces that are in the pot, points out Maaø. EXPENSIVE IN THE LENGTH: Researcher Ole Jørgen Maaø at the Norwegian Air Force School. He points out that drones are also vulnerable to far less costly defense systems. Photo: Luftkrigskolen Too expensive in the long run. Many people can help get new missiles for Nasams. The missiles are used by at least 40 countries. So there are large stocks. Maaø temporarily believes that there is still a limit to how many expensive missiles Ukraine can get to fire at much cheaper drones. – In the long run, it is possibly a strategy that cannot be maintained due to the costs. They are simply too asymmetrical, says Maaø. Cheaper alternative Ukraine has also received donations of old equipment that was developed before almost all air defense was based on expensive missiles. These are different versions of machine guns. In particular, the German Gepard is pointed to as very effective against the Iranian drones. It is an armored vehicle with two rapid-fire cannons. The target is kept in sight with radar. EFFECTIVE: “This cheetah shoots down the mullah drones,” writes the German magazine Bild. Photo: Bild/Twitter Bild writes about one of these wagons. It alone is said to have shot down over ten such drones. In addition, the more reasonable missile systems, the handheld ones, are effective against drones. Norway has donated Mistral missiles to Ukraine. From the United States and others, the country has received large quantities of Stinger missiles.
