Ukrainian refugee killed on Karmøy – Latest news – news

21 June 2024 at 15:03 Dagbladet: Ukrainian refugee killed on Karmøy The man who was killed on Åkra on Karmøy at the weekend was a Ukrainian refugee, police attorney Siri Anne Flindall tells Dagbladet. – The accused and the deceased were neighbours. Both lived in municipal housing, she tells the newspaper. The murdered man was also partly in a wheelchair. A man in his 20s has been arrested and remanded in custody for the murder. Defense attorney Sigurd Rønningen claims that there has been a history of threats, violence and torment from the murdered man towards his client. – Both over time, but also immediately before what happened, says Rønningen to Dagbladet. The police will not comment on this for the time being.
